NTU Canteen 13’s Chinese Food Stall Falls Prey To Rodent Infestation Not all rats are friendly anthropomorphic characters, like in Pixar’s Ratatouille. Source Rodents commonly found nesting in dark corners of food centres and hawker stalls typically look more like this. Source Now, yet another canteen at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) has been hit by a rat infestation. This time, a Chinese food stall – Tian Yi Dian Mixed Vegetable Rice which sells ‘cai fan’ – has been slapped with a fine of $1,000 and 2-week license suspension. NTU Halls 12 and 13 residents, plus those who frequent Canteen 13’s cai png stall, you probably won’t be greeted by your favourite server, from 10-23 Jul. 14 demerit points in 12 months According to The Straits Times, the stall was shuttered with a notice written in Chinese that it was “closed for two weeks”, while the kitchen underwent “improvement works”. Under NEA’s demerit system, 12 or more demerit points in a year will grant you an immediate license suspension for 2-4 weeks. Lenience may be shown based on your past record. Tian Yi Dian had amassed 14 in the past 12 months, for the following: Preparing food outside the kitchen Failure […]
7 years ago