Tourists caught allegedly letting child urinate in Grand Palace of Thailand, authorities investigating

Tourists allegedly let child urinate in Grand Palace in Thailand

A pair of tourists had been photographed allegedly letting their child urinate in public inside the Grand Palace in Thailand.

The photo, which was uploaded on Facebook, sparked outrage among netizens due to the inappropriate actions of the parents. The Grand Palace is the most iconic building in Bangkok and carries cultural and historical significance to Thai people.

After the incident, Thai authorities were alerted and are looking into the matter.

Couple let child pee in Grand Palace

On 7 May, Facebook user หฤษฎ ถาวรกิจ posted a photograph of two tourists with a child who is urinating in public in front of the Grand Palace in Thailand.

In the photo, a couple is seen standing by and waiting for a small child as the child urinates in public, right by the Grand Palace in Thailand.

child urinate palace thailand

Source: หฤษฎ ถาวรกิจ on Facebook

The caption read: “They did it in plain sight, in front of the throne hall.”

The post has since gone viral, with over 1,400 shares and 700 comments.

The Grand Palace is Bangkok’s most iconic building and is the architectural symbol of monarchy and history in Thailand, preserving some of the most important Thai art and architecture within its halls.

While no longer the residence of the King, many official ceremonies are still held in the Grand Palace and the place is considered sacred to Thai people.

Photo sparks outrage among netizens

Thai netizens were outraged by the photo, with many expressing their dismay and anger in the comments section.

One user asked where the officers were and why they allowed this incident to happen.

child urinate palace thailand

Source: หฤษฎ ถาวรกิจ on Facebook

Another netizen said the couple had to be fined.

Source: หฤษฎ ถาวรกิจ on Facebook

However, one netizen implied the OP could have stopped the couple from letting the incident occur.

Source: หฤษฎ ถาวรกิจ on Facebook

Authorities are investigating

Tourism and Sports Minister Sermsak Pongpanit criticised the incident. He described the behaviour of the tourists as inappropriate as it had taken place in a sacred place, according to Bangkok Post.

He added that he asked relevant agencies under his ministry to investigate the matter.

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Featured image adapted from หฤษฎ ถาวรกิจ on Facebook.


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