Unfinished Food & Curry Spills Left Behind On Void Deck Table, Residents Urged To Be Responsible

HDB Void Deck Table Strewn With Food Waste & Curry Spills On 8 Jun

It takes constant efforts from all residents to keep Singapore clean and green. So when some of us fail to do our part, the immediate effect can be rather telling.

Local content creator Hafidz Rahman, who goes by the handle @asonofapeach, recently took to Twitter to bemoan a distressing sight at an HDB void deck.

In the photo he posted, a void deck table is seen covered with curry spills next to an unfinished packet of rice.


Presumably left behind by those dining at the void deck, the unsightly mess prompted Mr Hafidz to urge residents to do better.

Void deck table seen with off-putting food waste

In an impassioned Twitter thread on 8 Jun, Mr Hafidz recounts a shocking mess he encountered at an HDB void deck.

There were apparently 3 unfinished packets of rice, a half-eaten prata, as well as an open gravy packet.


Curry from the gravy packet was apparently trickling down the table’s edge, making it almost unthinkable that anyone could leave behind a mess as such.


Troubled by the off-putting sight, Mr Hafidz proceeded to clear the packets of rice. Unfortunately, he didn’t have tissue paper to wipe away the curry.

Added burden for cleaners amid pandemic

Acknowledging people’s need to eat at void decks during Phase 2 (Heightened Alert), Mr Hafidz however can’t seem to fathom why they fail to clean up afterwards.

This adds to the already heavy workload of cleaners as fewer get deployed due to stricter safe distancing measures, notes Mr Hafidz.


That many of them are elderly workers makes him sympathise more for the cleaners who’d have to clear such messes.

As such, he urges residents to be more responsible and considerate especially when using public spaces.

Heed calls of exercising responsibility

While this period is tough for many of us, being responsible and considerate is the least we can do to make things easier for others.

After all, cleaning up after ourselves is something we learn from as early as kindergarten.

So let us work towards a heartland where sights like the one Mr Hafidz encountered are something we’d never see.

Have news you must share? Get in touch with us via email at hello@mustsharenews.com.

Featured image adapted from @asonofapeach on Twitter and Jonathan Tan on Facebook.

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