BMW driver confronts car that tailed him along Oxley Road, netizens speculate who’s to blame

BMW driver & camcar have words with each other at River Valley along Oxley Road

On Saturday (7 Sep), a video of an altercation between a BMW driver and another motorist along Oxley Road was posted on the Singapore Road Vigilante Facebook group and has divided opinions among many commenters.

Though the video appears to put the blame on the BMW driver, others said that the camcar should not have tailed the BMW after their encounter, which led to the altercation.

Police presence eventually stopped the matter from escalating further.

BMW car and camcar get into altercation along Oxley Road

According to the camcar, the incident took place at 10.42pm on Thursday (5 Sep) at River Valley.

The BMW car had made a right turn onto a straight lane in front of the camcar.

Source: SG Road Vigilante on Facebook

The camcar then appears to accelerate in an attempt to overtake the BMW car while both cars were turning left to Oxley Road.

“[The BMW’] was on [the] right lane of River Valley Road and without warning, cut in front of me to do a left turn onto Oxley Road, forcing me to jam brake,” the camcar claimed.

However, the video shows the camcar accelerating after the BMW entered the straight road.

After a near-collision was averted, the camcar tails the BMW for several metres.

Source: SG Road Vigilante on Facebook

Eventually, the LCD light at the back of the BMW flashes “FIGHT” and the driver stops.

The driver then steps out of his car to confront the camcar, which is still tailing him.

Source: SG Road Vigilante on Facebook

The two drivers argue for several seconds. It is unknown what words were shared between them as the audio isn’t included in the video.

A police car can be spotted in front of the two cars. Two police officers step out and appear to be walking towards them.

Source: SG Road Vigilante on Facebook

After that, the BMW driver returns to his car and the video ends.

Netizens divided over video

It is suspected that the camcar might have posted the video on the Facebook group in order to publicly blame the BMW driver for their actions, including calling them “belligerent”.

Some comments sided with the camcar and said lane-changing vehicles should make sure it’s safe before turning, even if they signalled.

Source: SG Road Vigilante on Facebook

Others also said the BMW car should have slowed down after turning.

Source: SG Road Vigilante on Facebook

But others said the camcar could simply have given way.

Source: SG Road Vigilante on Facebook

Some also pointed out that the camcar “was no saint”, having sped up after seeing the BMW turn into their lane.

Source: SG Road Vigilante on Facebook

Police presence luckily prevented the matter from escalating further.

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Featured image adapted from SG Road Vigilante on Facebook.

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