Baey Yam Keng says ‘aeroplane boardgame’ design on Tampines HDB will stay despite resident’s complaint

Baey Yam Keng explains decision behind keeping aeroplane board game design on Tampines HDB

Last year, MP for Tampines GRC Baey Yam Keng revealed that the courtyard and walls between Blocks 480 and 484 would soon sport a fresh look.

Tampines HDB Blocks May Get New Paintjob Inspired By Ludo Chess, Residents Can Vote By 16 July

On Thursday (4 July), he took to Facebook to share that a resident had submitted a complaint regarding the new design.

In the complaint, the resident highlighted that the airplanes were pointing towards the centre.

Source: Baey Yam Keng on Facebook

This, the resident claimed, made it look like “four missiles on target” or “dropped bombs targeting the block”.

As such, he demanded the removal of the design.

The resident further claimed that it trivialised ongoing global conflicts like the wars in Myanmar, Sudan, and Gaza.

“To even have a slightest resemblance of missiles or bombs is uncalled for,” he said. “Action must be taken by the Tampines Town Council to rework on the design as it is terribly distasteful.”

Aeroplane design on Tampines HDB is faithful to board game

Mr Baey noted that despite the town council explaining the concept to the resident twice, he did not accept it and demanded a change or erasure of the design.

“Even though this is the only resident who gave negative feedback, I took it seriously,” he said.

Source: Baey Yam Keng on Facebook

“After discussing with the town council, checking with some residents and grassroots leaders, and thinking through it, I support the town council’s decision to stick to the original design concept.”

He shared that since he began serving in Tampines, he has been working with the town council to adopt painting designs that could resonate with residents.

So far, they have drawn inspiration from nostalgic items like cassette tapes, Tingkat, and Polaroid cameras.

This particular design, he explained, was inspired by a childhood Aeroplane board game.

“The image the resident has taken offence with is a faithful replica of the board game and not an attempt to disguise warplanes,” Mr Baey clarified, attaching an image of the game.

Source: Baey Yam Keng on Facebook

Tampines residents voted for aeroplane design

Mr Baey also mentioned that the design had been the most popular choice based on residents’ votes.

In July last year, the town council had issued a vote with three options for the residents in the blocks involved.

Source: Baey Yam Keng on Facebook

“About 80% of the votes went to either of the two boardgame designs,” Mr Baey pointed out. “It means that the bulk of residents had no issue with the aeroplane design.”

“It would not be fair to the majority to change the design now,” he continued.

The MP also revealed that the resident who submitted the complaint did not participate in the vote as he did not live in the cluster of blocks.

Mr Baey added that the town council funded the painting works with residents’ service and conservancy charges (S&CC).

“It would not be a good use of residents’ money to change something that was already chosen by them,” he said. “I have just explained to the resident via and hope that he would understand our position.”

Other walls to be repainted after feedback

Addressing another matter, Mr Baey shared that a resident had complained about a “bloody red reflection” from the gable end wall of a neighbouring block painted in red.

Source: Baey Yam Keng on Facebook

The town council had received similar feedback from other residents in the area.

Mr Baey explained that the design features blocks with walls in one of four colours: red, blue, green, and yellow.

“Due to the block configuration, there are two 4-storey blocks with a stack of units each facing the gable end of another block,” he said.

Residents facing a block with a green wall had the same issue.

As a result, the painting contractor will repaint the gable end walls mostly in white, with the side beams in red and green.

Source: Baey Yam Keng on Facebook

“I am sharing this to illustrate the principles guiding Tampines Town Council on what they can and cannot do regarding residents’ feedback,” Mr Baey concluded.

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Featured image adapted from Baey Yam Keng on Facebook and Facebook.

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