Speeding car flips over on Airport Boulevard after slamming another vehicle into curb

Speeding car flipped over on Airport Boulevard after collision

On Tuesday (3 Sept), a driver who sped down Airport Boulevard flipped over after ramming another car into the side curb

A shocking video of the incident was posted on the Singapore roads.accident Facebook page.

Speaking to MS News, SCDF confirmed that two individuals sustained minor injuries but declined to be sent to the hospital.

Speeding car rear-ends car along Airport Boulevard on 3 Sept

At the start of the video, a black car can be seen speeding down the expressway.

For some reason, the driver seemingly failed to notice another vehicle travelling on the left adjacent lane.

As the speeding car got closer to the other vehicle, its brake lights flashed repeatedly, likely as the driver was attempting a last-minute brake to avoid a collision.

Source: Facebook

However, the brake seemingly came too late as the speeding car rear-ended the other vehicle on its right.

Source: Facebook

The force of the impact sent the latter spinning and crashing into the curb on the left of the expressway.

The speeding car flipped forward from the collision and ended up lying upside down on the expressway. White smoke can also be seen coming out of the car’s chassis.

Netizens criticise driver’s reckless driving

The video attracted a slew of comments, most of whom criticised the driver for their reckless driving.

This netizen questioned why the speeding driver could not have travelled on one of the other empty lanes.

Source: Facebook

Another user said the driver should have planned their time better if they were catching a flight at the airport.

Source: Facebook

Road users who were near the area lamented the resulting traffic jam, with some road users having to make detours to reach their destinations.

Source: Facebook

Also read: LTA nabs 14 foreign-registered vehicles at Changi Airport for providing illegal transport services

LTA nabs 14 foreign-registered vehicles at Changi Airport for providing illegal transport services

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Featured image adapted from Facebook.

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