Kitten Left Under Bedok Sign Saying ‘Abandonment Is A Crime’, Police Report Lodged

Kitten Abandoned Under Sign In Bedok, Rescuers Condemn Cruel Act

Pets are undeniably adorable but they are also a huge responsibility. Unfortunately, not all owners take this seriously.

On Wednesday (2 Jun), cat rescuers took to Facebook to share their discovery of an abandoned kitten at Bedok, right under a sign that said ‘Abandonment Is A Crime’.


The cat that was abandoned in a box was only about 3 to 4 months old.

bedok kitten signSource

Rescuers have now lodged a police report and alerted the Animal & Veterinary Service (AVS) as well as the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) to the incident.

Abandoned kitten in Bedok was too scared to move

On Wednesday (2 Jun) afternoon, some workers at Bedok came across a red box under a sign that read ‘Abandonment Is A Crime’.

It wasn’t clear if they had checked its contents.

Later that evening at about 7 pm, cat feeders who were making their regular rounds looked inside and found a little kitten in the box.


According to the Facebook post, the kitten was so frightened that she didn’t move and had even pooped in the box.

Rescuers condemned the abandonment, saying it was cruel to have placed the kitten in a box without any ventilation and under the hot sun.

Kitten will be put up for adoption

The rescuers were thankful that they found the kitten in time.

According to their observations, the kitten appears to be younger than 4 months old and still has baby teeth.


Seeing how skinny and gaunt she looked, friends of the rescuers also rushed to bring milk and kitten food for her.

bedok kitten signSource

They are currently welcoming any suitable food donations and items for the kitten.

Rescuers later shared an update that the kitten is now being fostered under their care.

bedok kitten signSource

Following that, she will be put up for adoption.

Police report lodged

The rescuers have since lodged a police report.

They have also reported the incident to AVS and SPCA.

Under the Animal and Birds Act, owners found guilty of abandoning an animal without reasonable cause or excuse can be fined up to $10,000 or jailed for up to 12 months, or both for the first offence.

Subsequent offences thereafter will incur higher fines and longer jail terms.

Be a responsible pet owner

Unfortunately, this is only one of many such cases.

Rescuers shared that they have been extremely overwhelmed handling abandonment cases, especially in the past few years.

So if you’re a pet owner, do remember that these animals deserve loving homes that care for them.

If you’re not up to it, exercise responsibility and re-home them instead of leaving them to fend for themselves on the streets.

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Featured image adapted from Facebook and Facebook.

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