Handmade Dabao Earrings Show You’re A True Fan Of Your Favourite Hawker Aunty

Dabao Earrings Are Cute Accessories You Can Wear Other Than Your Face Mask

When Phase 2 starts on Friday (19 Jun), dining in at food places can happen again, so gone will be the days of dabao-ing all the time during ‘Circuit Breaker’ (CB).

Like any significant phases in life, some of us might want memorabilia to remember CB by.

Well, this set of dabao earrings might just be what you need to remind yourself of the times you ate from brown paper while working from home.


These earrings have serves a functional purpose too, almost like a wordless sign. No need to say “Auntie, dabao” when your jewellery does it for you.

Dabao earrings have accurate details we all recognise

As we can see, the earrings are a miniature version of our day to day takeaway kit — a sight now all too familiar to Singaporeans.


On one side, we see Mr Dabao, a neatly wrapped brown packet secured with the type of red rubber band we usually find in our kitchen homes.


Conveniently attached is a disposable wooden chopstick, equipping us to dig in on the go.

On the other ear, the wearer can find Mrs Dabao, a red plastic carrier that hawkers use to bag our orders up, allowing us to carry piping hot meals home swiftly.


Handmade locally

According to the makers Whoaa!, the earrings are made with “real takeaway paper” and “real plastic bag”, which is why there is an evident authentic feel to it.

Mr Dabao and Mrs Dabao weigh 3g and 1g respectively, after a surgical steel hook is fastened to the charms.


As they are all handmade, each pair deviates from each other slightly but are still of good quality, very much like our local hawker fare.

If you are interested in owning a pair, you can find them at Whoaa!’s online store at $12.90.

Dabao earrings for Phase 2

Singapore is entering Phase 2 this Friday (19 Jun), meaning dine-ins are making their comeback very soon.

However, this does not mean takeaways will become a thing of the past; in fact, citizens should refrain from rushing to eat at hawker centres immediately, especially if we anticipate large crowds right upon reopening.

Continue the dabao habit for a while, and wear these earrings while you’re at it, to show others that being socially responsible can also be fashionable.

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Featured image adapted from Whoaa!.

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