Mulan Stunt Double Leaves Internet Smitten, Some Mistake Her For Actual Actress

Photos Of Mulan Stunt Double Gain Virality For Looks That Can Rival Any Actress

The 2020 version of Mulan took over cinemas when they reopened following months of closure.

But apart from the movie itself, someone who wasn’t even billed in the main cast suddenly received attention on the Internet recently.

Liu Yaxi was the stunt double for some of lead actress Liu Yifei’s scenes in the movie, and her pictures left netizens gasping for air at her beauty.

We bring you some highlights of why the Internet is clamouring for her to star in a movie herself.

Mulan stunt double arguably outshines lead

After witnessing Ms Liu’s pictures as Mulan, many were in disbelief as to why she wasn’t picked to be the female lead.


But to be fair, Mulan has to look fairly masculine as she passes for a male solder in the movie.


The stunt double doesn’t have such a requirement, after all, and we’re all the better for it.


Another set of pictures of her in traditional Chinese wear had many proclaiming her a goddess.


Our eyes are unworthy in front of this otherworldly entity.


Mulan stunt double performed while looking 10/10

In the movie, Mulan takes on many enemies with sheer ease, beating aside any notions that women are the fairer sex.

Although Liu Yifei is said to have performed about 90% of the action by herself, Ms Liu was tasked to do the particularly strenuous ones.

She pulls them off with ease and with not a hair out of place, as you can see in these snippets taken from her Instagram.

Here’s someone who certainly doesn’t require a bodyguard.

10/10 would surrender if given that look.

Further behind-the-scenes from the movie show her dressed in full Mulan regalia, looking just as, if not more, magnificent as the real deal.


And here’s Ms Liu caught in a candid moment that-


Forgive us, for we lost our word for a moment there due to that smile.

No less stunning in real life

Her moves will have you thinking otherwise, but Ms Liu is just an ordinary woman — at least, as ordinary as someone with her out-of-this-world looks can claim to be.


That’s right, just another normal person.


Has no desire to become an actress — for now

Although many clamour for Ms Liu to venture into acting or even Hollywood, she’s keeping her feet firmly on the ground for now.


We’re sure she’d capture many more hearts if she should choose such a path, but we respect her decision, of course.

We stan a humble queen.

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Featured image adapted from Instagram.

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