MOE Releases New Cut-Off Point Ranges For New PSLE Scoring System

MOE Releases New PSLE Cut Off Point Ranges For Different Schools

Last year, the Ministry of Education announced that students sitting for their Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE) will receive their results in numerical form, in place of alphabets ranging from A* to E.

On Friday (6 Nov), MOE unveiled the new PSLE cut-off point range for different secondary schools types under the new scoring system.


Students taking PSLE from 2021 will receive Achievement Levels

According to MOE, students taking the PSLE from 2021 will receive numerical grades called Achievement Levels (AL) for each of their 4 subjects.

Ranging between 1 to 8, the students’ final score will be a sum of their 4 ALs, with 4 being the best-combined score.

Students will then be assigned to their secondary school courses – Express, Normal (Academic), Normal Technical – based on their PSLE score.

MOE releases PSLE cut-off points for different secondary school types

On Friday (6 Nov), MOE released the indicative cut-off point ranges for secondary schools, reportedly based on last year’s PSLE results and school choice pattern.

The point ranges differ between different types of secondary schools. Here’s a clearer breakdown:

Government and Government-aided schools
Express (Integrated Programme): 7-9
Express (O Level): 8-22
Normal (Academic): 22-25
Normal (Technical): 26-30

Autonomous Schools:
Express (Integrated Programme): 7-9
Express (O Level): 8-16
Normal (Academic): 22-25
Normal (Technical): 26-29

Independent Schools
Express (Integrated Programme): 6-8
Express (O Level): 8-10


Cut off range based on ‘last student’ results

Students and parents will reportedly receive individual secondary school’s indicative AL cut-offs in the first half of next year. These scores will be based on this year’s PSLE results and school choices.

The cut-off point ranges, however, is based on the score of the last student enrolled in each of the school’s course.

Hence, MOE advises students and parents to aim ‘higher’ – in numerical ALs – and also shortlist schools based on other factors like CCAs and culture.

Students will be assigned their secondary school based on 2 factors:

  • Overall PSLE score
  • School choice rank order

However, in the even where 2 students with the same overall PSLE score compete for the ‘last spot’, the result will reportedly be determined based on the following order:

  1. Citizenship
  2. Order of school choice
  3. Computerised balloting

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