Teen allegedly assaulted by students after sharing a video of classmate vaping

teen assaulted vaping

Teen assaulted by students after sharing a video of classmate vaping

On Thursday (29 Aug), a 15-year-old student was allegedly assaulted by a group of classmates after she had shared a video of one of them vaping in the school toilet.

teen assaulted vaping

Source: Canva, for illustration purposes only.

According to The Straits Times (ST), the victim was walking with a friend when they were stopped by another student after Thursday’s early dismissal in lieu of Teacher’s Day the next day.

The student had ushered them to a nearby void deck, where a group of 10 students were waiting for her.

The students, who were her classmates, had subsequently demanded her to hand over her phone.

When she refused to give up her phone, the students seized it from her forcibly.

The victim and her friend were then dragged to the top of a nearby HDB multi-story carpark.

Teen assaulted & made to apologise for taking video of vaping

The group of students had accused her of sharing a video she’d taken of one of the female students in the group vaping in the school toilet.

Upon the victim’s refusal to unlock her phone, she was slapped repeatedly by a female classmate, to the point where her spectacles were flung off her face and almost shattered.

Meanwhile, her friend left the carpark after the group of students told her to leave the premises.

Afterwards, the same female student proceeded to land several punches on the victim, including her nose and lips.

Then, two of the students forced her to kneel before the female classmate who was featured in the vaping video by kicking the victim’s legs.

“When I was kneeling and after I apologised, the girl who kept hitting me started to pull my hair and then continued to slap and punch me,” the victim told ST.

Victim suffered nosebleed, a swollen lip, & bruises

After the assault, the victim managed to salvage her phone, even after being allegedly smashed by her classmates. She immediately phoned her mother.

She was then rushed to the hospital via an ambulance where she was confirmed to suffer a nosebleed, a swollen lip, and bruises on her legs.

Assailants have been identified

The victim’s school, which has not been publicly named to protect the victim’s identity, confirmed that they have been made aware of the incident. They have also reportedly identified the assailants involved.

“We take a serious view of acts of violence and bullying, and will assist the police in their investigation,” the school reaffirmed.

“We are in touch with the affected student and her family to monitor her well-being.”

The school had confirmed that they would be undertaking appropriate punishment for the perpetrators and ensuring that they receive sufficient counselling.

The girl’s father, shaken by his daughter’s assault, told ST that he intends to employ a domestic helper to protect her. Meanwhile, the victim is currently being escorted to and from her school by a teacher.

Her furious mother also told Lianhe Zaobao that she was thinking of transferring her daughter to another school.

A police report had been lodged regarding the incident.

Police investigations are still ongoing.

Also read: 15-year-old boy beaten up by 12 teenagers in Pasir Ris carpark, sent to hospital

15-year-old boy beaten up by 12 teenagers in Pasir Ris carpark, sent to hospital

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Featured image adapted from Lianhe Zaobao.

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