Ukraine President Zelenskyy arrives in Singapore for Shangri-La Dialogue, will meet PM Wong

Ukraine President Zelenskyy will address conference in Singapore on 2 June

As the war in Ukraine rages on, its President has arrived in Singapore to attend the ongoing Shangri-La Dialogue.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is set to give a speech at the defence summit and expected to rally support for the conflict in his country.

Source: @ZelenskyyUa on X

He will also meet our leaders including President Tharman Shanmugaratnam and Prime Minister Lawrence Wong.

Zelenskyy arrived in Singapore on 1 June

Mr Zelenskyy announced his arrival in Singapore on Saturday (1 June) via a post on social media platform X.

He said he would address the conference, and gave a clue on what he would say when he referenced the Global Peace Summit, which takes place in Switzerland later in June.

One of the aims of the peace summit would be “restoring just peace for Ukraine and ensuring global food and nuclear security”, he added, and “this is why the Asia-Pacific voice must be heard there”.

Zelenskyy will speak at plenary session on 2 June

Mr Zelenskyy’s attendance was announced by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), organisers of the Shangri-La Dialogue, in a press release on Saturday (1 June).

It said he will take part in a plenary session titled “Re-Imagining Solutions for Global Peace and Regional Stability”.

This is scheduled for 11.30am on Sunday (2 June), and will be livestreamed on IISS’ YouTube channel.

IISS Director-General and Chief Executive Bastian Giegerich said Mr Zelenskyy’s presence “comes at an important time”, adding,

We eagerly await his remarks.

Zelenskyy met Indonesian President-elect

Videos posted by Agence France-Presse (AFP) on YouTube showed Mr Zelenskyy arriving at the Shangri-La Dialogue clad in his signature casual attire of T-shirt and pants.

Source: AFP News Agency on YouTube

Getting straight to work, he met Indonesian President-elect Prabowo Subianto.

Source: @ZelenskyyUa on X

During the meeting, they “discussed progress in implementing the Peace Formula and areas of bilateral cooperation”, he said on X.

Mr Zelensky also met a delegation of the United States House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee to discuss further assistance to Ukraine.

Source: @ZelenskyyUa on X

Zelenskyy will meet Singapore President & PM

More heavyweight meetings are in store for Mr Zelenskyy in Singapore, he said.

He will meet Singapore’s Mr Tharman and Mr Wong, as well as Timor-Leste’s President José Ramos-Horta and US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin.

He is also planning to meet “Singaporean investors”, and added,

Global security is impossible when the world’s largest country disregards recognized borders, international law, and the UN Charter, resorts to hunger, darkness, and nuclear blackmail.

In a post on Wednesday (30 May), Mr Zelenskyy said Russia was trying to thwart the peace summit by putting pressure on leaders and threatening various countries with destabilisation.

Representatives from Russia have not attended the Shangri-La Dialogue since the Ukraine war started in February 2022, according to Reuters.

Also read: Ukraine President Zelenskyy Meets Tharman, Thanks S’pore For Humanitarian Aid During Crisis

Ukraine President Zelenskyy Meets Tharman, Thanks S’pore For Humanitarian Aid During Crisis

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Featured image adapted from @ZelenskyyUa on X and AFP News Agency on YouTube.

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