Man Allegedly Attacks Delivery Woman Over Wrong Shirts In Kovan, Police Breaks Up Fight

Man Attacks Delivery Woman In Kovan On 15 Jul

Many of us love the convenience of ordering items and having them delivered to our doorstep. The process is mostly seamless, but sometimes, there can be mix-ups.

On Friday (15 Jul), a 56-year-old man, Mr Kuang, attacked a delivery woman in Kovan when she allegedly sent the wrong shirts to him.

The police had to be called to the scene to stop the fight.

Source: KKKL

The victim was injured and had to seek medical help after the altercation.

Man finds out his delivery was wrong & attacks woman

According to Shin Min Daily News, Mr Kuang had purchased five shirts from an online store on Facebook.

On Friday (15 Jul), at around 3pm, Ms Guo was tasked with delivering the items to him at Kovan 209 Market and Food Centre, where he owns a food stall.

However, Ms Guo told the Chinese daily that Mr Kuang, who ordered red and black shirts, was dissatisfied with the delivery as he received the wrong colour.

The situation quickly escalated when he grabbed Ms Guo’s neck, refusing to let go.

In addition to the wrong shirt colours, Mr Kuang pointed out that the brand differed from what he had purchased.

He claimed he had spent S$100 on the shirts and felt he could not let such an error slide.

Delivery woman injured

Neighbouring hawkers who witnessed the incident said police later arrived to defuse the situation.

The police also confirmed that they received a report on the matter.

After the fight, Ms Guo’s neck was injured from the incident. She said it was so painful that she had to seek medical attention at a hospital.

Defending his actions, Mr Kuang said Ms Guo did not allow him to check the products before making payment. He felt that this was unreasonable.

The 56-year-old clarified that he only discovered the problem after making the payment.

She was about to leave when he grabbed her neck to stop her, to which he admittedly scratched her by accident due to her short stature.

While he did not intend to hurt her, Mr Kuang did not feel he used excessive force.

He added that she would have left if he had not acted that way.

Customers should talk to the company instead of delivery persons

Ms Guo felt enraged and wronged by the incident. She shared that Mr Kuang should have taken it up with the online store instead of her.

The 55-year-old told Shin Min Daily News that she had only been working as a delivery person for six months.

She said,

Delivery persons like us are only responsible for delivering the items. If items are wrong, customers should talk to the company about it.

However, Mr Kuang remains adamant about his stance, claiming Ms Guo had not returned his S$100.

He is now considering lodging a report with the Small Claims Tribunals.

Do not take out frustrations on delivery persons

It is understandably frustrating not to receive items we have paid for.

However, delivery persons are usually third parties and should not have to bear the brunt of our frustrations. In any case, it’s never right to get physical with someone out of anger.

So the next time you are in a similar situation, do remain calm and reach out to the relevant retailers instead.

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Featured image adapted from Shin Min Daily News and KKKL.

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