Dog poops in first-class cabin of US domestic flight, causes plane to be diverted

Dog poops on US flight, plane spends two hours on ground while mess is cleaned

Passengers on a recent domestic flight in the United States (US) were subjected to an unpleasant experience.

A dog pooped in the first-class cabin, resulting in an intense smell that lingered for a while.

Source: Reddit

The incident caused the plane to be diverted for two hours.

Dog poops in the aisle of US flight, stench sickens passenger

The dog-poop incident was related by a Reddit user in a post on Sunday (7 April).

Source: Reddit

The passenger shared photos of a yellowish mound of faeces on the floor, saying the mess was created right in the aisle of the first-class cabin.

Source: Reddit

The strong stench caused him to feel ill, he added.

Worse still, it “never quite went away” despite the best efforts of crew members.

Crew used paper towels to clean dog poop, toilet closed

These efforts included cleaning and covering the excrement with paper towels, the passenger said.

Source: Reddit

In fact, after the plane was diverted to Dallas, the ground crew spent more than two hours cleaning the carpet, he added.

Unfortunately, the first-class toilet was also closed.

A YouTube short he shared showed a crew member removing some of the paper towels while another crew member told passengers not to congregate in the economy cabin to use the toilet there.

Source: YouTube

Rather, they were advised to leave their seats “one by one” if they needed to use the toilet.

US flight diverted to Dallas after dog poops

In a subsequent reply in the comments, the passenger said this happened on United Airlines flight UA422 from Houston to Seattle.

Source: Reddit

According to flight-tracking website FlightRadar24, flight UA422 last Friday (5 April) took off from Houston at 4.43pm local time but was diverted to Dallas and landed there about 45 minutes later.

It then spent two hours on the ground before taking off again for Seattle.

Passengers not allowed to disembark for two hours

During those two hours on the ground, passengers were not allowed to disembark, the Reddit user said.

A gate agent also boarded the plane and started yelling at passengers to sit down when they tried to move away from the smell.

The cleaning crew had to repeat their cleaning many times as they had missed some areas, he added.

He praised the cabin crew, who performed well despite being “very upset” at the developments.

Making matters worse, the plane’s food went bad during the time spent on the ground, so there were few snacks left.

United Airlines confirms incident

United Airlines confirmed that the incident took place, in response to queries from Business Insider.

According to the airline’s website, passengers may travel with their dogs and cats in the cabin if there’s space available.

The pet must be in a carrier, which should be able to fit under the seat in front.

The only animals allowed to fly in the cabin without a carrier are service dogs, who are trained to assist a passenger with a disability.

Unfortunately, it’s not only animals that have pooped on the floor of planes. In October last year, an easyJet flight from Spain to London was cancelled after a passenger pooped on the floor.

Also read: EasyJet Flight Cancelled After Someone Poops On Floor, Cabin Filled With ‘Unpleasant’ Smell

EasyJet Flight Cancelled After Someone Poops On Floor, Cabin Filled With ‘Unpleasant’ Smell

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Featured image adapted from Reddit.

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