Woman in Taiwan finds cockroach inside McDonald’s burger, gets accused of faking story

cockroach mcdonald's burger

Woman in Taiwan finds cockroach inside McDonald’s burger

A woman in Taiwan was shocked to discover a cockroach inside a burger she ordered from a McDonald’s in Taichung via a food delivery app on Tuesday (27 Aug).

cockroach mcdonald's burger (1)

Source: @cai__1013 on Threads

The woman discovered the dead insect in her meal when she lifted the burger’s bun to remove the lettuce.

Shortly after, she posted a video of the burger on Threads, which has gained 2,200 likes and 2,700 shares at the time of writing.

The short clip showed the semi-eaten burger with a bite mark — and the insect plastered to the top burger bun under a layer of lettuce.

Netizens accuse woman of fabricating the story

Some social media users, however, accused her of fabricating the story for attention or to jump on a trend.

The woman, who said she has been a long-time McDonald’s customer, refuted the claims.

To prove her case, she shared that she received the meal at 9.23am, photographed the cockroach at 9.28am, and called McDonald’s at 9.29am to report the issue.

cockroach mcdonald's burger (2)

Source: @cai__1013 on Threads

She also said that McDonald’s issued a statement following her complaint.

Taiwanese news outlet TVBS reported the fast food chain’s response to the incident.

In its statement, McDonald’s said it places the utmost importance on food hygiene and customer dining experience.

McDonald’s store supervisor apologises about contaminated food

The woman said that she received a visit from a McDonald’s staff at noon the same day.

They had come to personally apologise to her and dispose of the contaminated food.

The outlet involved was also asked to disinfect all relevant equipment and improve personnel training to avoid similar cases in the future.

As for the affected customer, she was also given an “envelope with a refund and meal coupons”.

Also read: ‘Kampung’ of cockroaches allegedly found in bag of fish at Korean mart in KL

‘Kampung’ of cockroaches allegedly found in bag of fish at Korean mart in KL

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Featured image adapted from @cai__1013 on Threads.

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