Andy Lau nearly falls into trapdoor during concert in Shenzhen, injures thumb

andy lau falls concert

Andy Lau falls into trapdoor during concert in Shenzhen

On Monday (9 Sept), Hong Kong singer-songwriter Andy Lau nearly fell into a trapdoor while performing at a concert in Shenzhen, China.

The 62-year-old was walking on stage when he lost his footing and slipped into the open trapdoor.

andy lau falls concert shenzhen

Source: iLOVEnature on YouTube

Fortunately, only his left foot fell in the gap and he managed to support himself using his right hand, preventing his face from hitting the floor.

Andy Lau injures left thumb during fall

The stage lights were dimmed following the incident, but Lau took it lightly, lying on the stage while swinging his legs to look cute.

He got up and laughed in embarrassment before shouting “no problem” to reassure his fans.

He then continued singing the remainder of the song before asking the audience to give him a minute to bandage his left hand backstage.

According to United Daily News, Lau injured his thumb but went on with the concert.

Fans criticise concert organiser

After the concert, Lau posted a photo of himself on social media, where fans quickly left messages of concern.

andy lau backstage photo

Source: Andy Lau on Instagram

Some fans revealed they saw the trapdoor was originally closed, but opened without any warning.

Others also criticised the organisers, questioning how such a mistake could take place.

During an earlier concert in July, Lau nearly fell from a four-metre platform due to its slipperiness.

Also read: Andy Lau almost falls off 4-metre platform during Shanghai concert, said it was more slippery than expected

Andy Lau almost falls off 4-metre platform during Shanghai concert, said it was more slippery than expected

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Featured image adapted from iLOVEnature on YouTube

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