Waterspout seen in Hong Kong Harbour for the 1st time since records began in 1959

Waterspout seen in Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong, lasts almost two minutes

A rare waterspout was seen in Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour for the first time in at least 65 years.

According to a Facebook post by the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO), it took place at about 12.30pm on Saturday (28 Sept) afternoon.

Source: Candy Wong via 香港天文台 HKO on Facebook

Numerous images captured of Hong Kong waterspout

Numerous photos and videos were captured of the waterspout due to its appearance in Victoria Harbour, a busy channel separating Kowloon from Hong Kong Island.

All of them depicted the surreal sight of a slender but towering column of air and water droplets forming amid the boats and skyscrapers.

Source: 馬嘉莉 on XiaoHongShu

A resident who posted a video of the waterspout’s formation said it started in the Hung Hom district in eastern Kowloon.

Source: 丘雨勤 on XiaoHongShu

It then moved west, judging from various online clips taken from further locations across the harbour.

Source: Michelle Chua via 香港天文台 HKO on Facebook

A close-up view of the waterspout, from a video lasting almost two minutes, showed it spinning over the harbour waters, creating a whirlpool on the surface.

Source: Kathie Wong via 香港天文台 HKO on Facebook

It finally dissipated when it came into contact with a wall at the Tai Wan Shan Swimming Pool.

Source: Kathie Wong via 香港天文台 HKO on Facebook

It apparently came so close to the swimming pool that spectators at a meet there managed to get up close and personal with it.

Source: 6MM on XiaoHongShu

Predictably, many had their phones ready to snap a photo of the once-in-a-lifetime sight.

Source: 6MM on XiaoHongShu

Finally, a video showed the waterspout slowly disappearing into the clouds.

Source: 丘雨勤 on XiaoHongShu

Waterspout seen in Victora Harbour for the 1st time since at least 1959

The HKO said this was the first time a waterspout had been reported in Victoria Harbour since records began in 1959.

It earlier said an upper-air disturbance was bringing unsettled weather to the eastern part of the city.

It defined a waterspout as a tornado — a swirling column of air — that takes place on the surface of the water.

Eastern China has been beset by tornadoes over the past few months, with one in nearby Guangzhou killing at least five people in April.

Also read: Waterspout Appears At East Coast On 10 Jul As A Gloomy Morning Greets S’pore

Waterspout Appears At East Coast On 10 Jul As A Gloomy Morning Greets S’pore

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Featured image adapted from Candy Wong via 香港天文台 HKO on Facebook, 馬嘉莉 on XiaoHongShu and Kathie Wong via 香港天文台 HKO on Facebook

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