ABC Brickworks Food Centre installs automatic doors at tray return station to ward off birds

ABC Brickworks Food Centre becomes first hawker centre to install automatic doors at tray return station

ABC Brickworks Food Centre has started installing automatic doors at its tray return stations to ward off birds.

Source: Google Maps

This makes it the first hawker centre to do so following a successful trial period earlier this month.

Speaking to 8world News, Chairman of the ABC Brickworks Business Association, Steven Lim, said that the hawker centre had been facing a persisting problem of birds pecking at cutlery in its tray return stations.

He reported the issue to the hawker centre’s cutlery return contractor, and both sides came together to find a solution.

After months of discussions, they began trialling the automatic doors on 3 June at one of the tray return stations.

Source: 8world News

Customers report improvement in bird problem

The trial initially encountered issues, such as diners placing trays in a way that blocked the doors from closing fully.

This was resolved by installing the doors slightly further from the rack.

Source: 8world News

Following the installation, customers reported a significant improvement in the bird problem.

Employees also found it easier to manage the cutlery, as they no longer had to worry about birds pecking at the leftover food.

Mr Lim mentioned that each installation requires a period of observation.

If the observations are positive, all five tray return stations at the centre will have automatic doors installed by the end of the year.

Also read: ‘It’s a giant breeding ground’: Tourist with bird phobia shaken after encountering pigeons at Maxwell Hawker Centre

‘It’s a giant breeding ground’: Tourist with bird phobia shaken after encountering pigeons at Maxwell Hawker Centre

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Featured image adapted from Google Maps and 8world News.

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