S’pore Artist Learns Mum Used To Do Art Professionally, Now Sells Mother’s Work Alongside Hers

Artist Finds Out Mum Gave Up Art Career, Hopes She’ll Draw Again

It is not uncommon for children to follow in their parents’ footsteps, due to the influence they receive growing up.

One artist in Singapore, however, apparently did so without even knowing that her mum had once taken the same path.

The 24-year-old only recently found out that her mum used to be an artist, although she had to give up her art career due to an injury.

Hoping to rekindle her mother’s love for art, the artist, who goes by @sliceofwhit on TikTok, shared her mum’s story.

Artist shares story of mum who had to give up art

In her TikTok carousel, the OP shared that she had recently found out that her mum used to be an artist.

Source: @sliceofwhit on TikTok

However, due to a medical condition that hindered her ability to draw as efficiently, she had to give up her art career.

Source: @sliceofwhit on TikTok

This came to a surprise to the OP, as her mum never mentioned anything relating to art while she was growing up.

In fact, her mum was not supportive of her wishes to attend art lessons as a child.

Source: @sliceofwhit on TikTok

The OP told MS News that her mum felt there was no need to waste money on art lessons since she could learn it on her own.

When asked whether her mum had an influence on her pursuing art, the OP recounted,

On rare occasions, I can recall when I had to submit an art portfolio to qualify for O-level art. My mom happened to walk past and chuckled at me as I attempted to draw an apple. She helped me with my portfolio, and I got into O-level art.

Back then, the OP’s mother told her that drawing was a basic skill, and dispelled her curiosity with a dismissive, “Don’t ask so much la”. The apple was the last thing the OP has seen her mother draw.

She added that her mum has never really commented on her illustrations, and simply told her to get a job after graduation.

The OP also divulged that she hasn’t seen much of her mother’s art, especially since her mum has not drawn in years.

Daughter now sells mum’s artwork alongside hers

In response to MS News’ queries, the OP shared that she is currently working as a designer for a branding consultancy.

Despite being kept busy at work, she keeps her love for art going by selling prints of her work on platforms like Instagram and Etsy.

While preparing for an art booth, the OP decided to help her mum gain the recognition she deserves for her talent, and got the green light to sell her mum’s art.

Source: @sliceofwhit on TikTok

Although time was tight, the OP managed to scan her mum’s artwork using an app on her phone and printed a copy of the vibrant art piece which she called ‘The Buddha’.

She then displayed it alongside her work at the art booth.

Source: @sliceofwhit on TikTok

Receives overwhelming interest in mum’s artwork

The OP told MS News that she is now setting up a website to formally showcase her mum’s work.

Elaborating on this, she shared that she has received overwhelmingly positive comments from viewers. In particular, many have expressed interest in purchasing prints of ‘The Buddha’.

Source: @sliceofwhit on TikTok

She said, “I briefly mentioned to her (her mother) that there are people who genuinely admire her Buddha artwork. She sounded extremely thrilled, but I need to make it a reality for her to truly believe that it’s happening.”

The OP also expressed her hopes that the positive response will inspire her mum to pick up art again.

Source: @sliceofwhit on TikTok

Artist impresses viewers with imagination

The OP herself has caught viewers’ attention with her art, impressing the Internet with her imaginative artwork in her “Draw strangers on the way to work” series.

@sliceofwhit this is what i tend to see and envision in my live drawings whenever the morning rays shines into the mrt train cabin. this wes anderson trend audio has been stuck in my heads for weeks now #wesanderson #mrt #drawingstrangers #singaporeart #sliceofwhit #wesandersonfilm #illustrator #singpaore #happymothers #CapCut ♬ original sound – Jeremy Cascamisi

She told MS News that she started the series about six months ago. She decided to start drawing on the way to work as she felt lethargic on her three-hour daily commute on the MRT.

While she originally brought her iPad along to draw, she switched to using a free app on her phone since she often could not get a seat.

Source: @sliceofwhit on TikTok

This allowed her to draw anywhere and at any time, even if she could not get a seat.

She now draws every Tuesday and Thursday, using the MRT stops as a time tracker.

She stated,

There isn’t much personal time before and after work. I am literally grabbing onto whatever pockets of time I could salvage and I do really cherish them. Inspiration of characters came from observing my day to day life.

Among her illustrations is one of a schoolboy, against a backdrop of the ocean and a majestic whale.

Source: @sliceofwhit on TikTok

The OP shared that she initially only drew the boy studying, as the sight of the sunrays hitting the train at the time was beautiful.

However, seeing how absorbed he was in his materials inspired her. She thus decided to depict it through a more imaginative lens.

Accepting orders for art prints

Kudos to the OP for her impressive artwork, and for her thoughtful gesture in helping her mum get the attention she deserves.

If you’d like to purchase a print of ‘The Buddha’, or have any queries for the OP, you may visit her website here.

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Featured image adapted from @sliceofwhit on TikTok and TikTok.

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