Elderly Bukit Panjang Resident Sues Town Council After Falling Into Uncovered Drain, Authorities Deny Negligence

Elderly Bukit Panjang Resident Sues Town Council For Negligence After Falling Into Drain

Once you’ve spent enough time in a single location, you will naturally become fairly acquainted with your surroundings.

Familiar enough to the point that you’ll notice even the most minor things that are amiss.

That was the argument the Town Council (TC) used after an elderly Bukit Panjang resident sued them for failing to cover a drain she had fallen into.

The 71-year-old woman suffered a severe rupture of the ligaments in her left foot and a fracture in her right middle finger.

Bukit Panjang resident suffers ruptured ligaments & fractured finger

According to Lianhe Zaobao, the accident happened on 8 Feb 2021, at Block 276 Bangkit Road in Bukit Panjang.

The elderly resident was at the ground level watering her plants that morning. She was turning back to head home when she fell into an uncovered drain.

The fall caused her to suffer injuries to her left foot and finger as mentioned earlier.

After the incident, the elderly woman allegedly sought compensation worth over  S$30,000 for her expenses like medical and transportation fees.

She also blamed the incident on the negligence of the Holland Village – Bukit Panjang TC for failing to ensure the safety of public areas.

Apparently, she felt that the TC could have done more, including putting up signs to warn the public about uncovered drains.

Town Council argues that  resident should know better

In response, the TC has denied all accusations of negligence and pointed out flaws in the resident’s argument.

Following the constituency’s division in 2001 and the TC’s takeover of maintenance matters, they had removed some drain covers.

They explained that the move was to facilitate cleaning and check for mosquito breeding, noted Lianhe Zaobao.

The TC also noted that as a resident there for over 30 years, the elderly woman should be familiar with the area.

Since she maintained plans that she had illegally planted there, they asserted that the elderly woman should be aware of the drains.

The judge has yet to appoint a date for the ruling.

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Featured image adapted from Lianhe Zaobao and Google Maps.

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