M’sian PM & Chinese Premier eat durian using fork & spoon, unorthodox method amuses internet

Malaysian PM Anwar and Chinese Premier Li Qiang eat durian using fork and spoon

Malaysian Prime Minister (PM) Anwar Ibrahim recently hosted Chinese Premier Li Qiang to a durian feast during the latter’s visit to Malaysia.

When ATV News shared footage of the pair dining, netizens couldn’t help but notice the ‘apparatus’ the leaders used to dig into the creamy flesh.

Instead of using their hands like most people, the pair were seen scooping and dicing the durian flesh using a fork and spoon.

durian fork spoon

Source: Anwar Ibrahim on Facebook

At the start of the video, Premier Li was seen ‘slicing’ the creamy flesh, similar to how diners would eat their steak at a fine dining restaurant.

durian fork spoon

Source: ATV News on TikTok

PM Anwar, who was hosting the meeting, seemed to have an easier time as he scooped the durian flesh into his mouth in one smooth motion.

Despite the unusual dining method, Premier Li was clearly impressed, clapping enthusiastically while chewing on the fruit.

durian fork spoon

Source: ATV News on TikTok

Netizens amused by unusual durian eating method

Netizens were bemused by the pair’s unusual way of eating durian, with most suggesting that they should use their hands.

Additionally, one TikTok user helpfully noted that they could have used gloves.

Source: TikTok
Translation: use glove la

Some joked that the statesmen must be eating some high-grade durian to justify the ‘premium’ treatment.

durian fork spoon

Source: TikTok

This netizen, on the other hand, found the unusual dining method “cute”.

durian fork spoon

Source: TikTok

Witnessed signing of agreement allowing Malaysia to export fresh durian to China

The durian feast happened during Premier Li’s three-day visit to Malaysia that started on 18 June.

His trip coincided with the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between both countries.

durian fork spoon

Source: Anwar Ibrahim on Facebook

During the visit, both leaders witnessed the signing of 14 memorandums of understanding (MoUs) and agreements, including one that would allow Malaysia to export fresh durians to China.

Before the agreement, Malaysia could only export frozen whole durians as well as durian products in pulp and paste form to China.

Also read: 6.91kg Of Durians Sold For S$72,300 At Hainan Auction, Starting Bid Was S$165

6.91kg Of Durians Sold For S$72,300 At Hainan Auction, Starting Bid Was S$165

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Featured image adapted from Anwar Ibrahim on Facebook.

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