Filipino influencer blames SIA for damaged luggage, claims airline offered inadequate compensation & slow replies

Filipino influencer slams Singapore Airlines for damaged luggage & alleged poor service

Earlier this week, Mark Jasper Amorin — an influencer from the Philippines — took to Facebook to share about his recent trip to Melbourne, Australia.

During his Singapore Airlines (SIA) flight to Australia Mr Amorin’s luggage was allegedly damaged “beyond repair”.

Earlier this week, he took to Facebook to share his dissatisfaction with SIA’s alleged slow responses while claiming he had received inadequate compensation for his damaged luggage.

filippino influencer singapore airlines

Source: Jasper Amorin on Facebook

In his post,  Mr Amorin bemoaned how he had to travel back and forth to SIA’s service centre, which cost him time as well as expenses for four Uber rides.

“They could have at least offered to pick up my luggage at the place I’m staying here in AU, instead of me wandering around for them,” he wrote.

Speaking to MS News, Mr Amorin said he spent eight days dealing with the matter.

Laments SIA’s alleged slow customer service

Mr Amorin also expressed disappointment over SIA’s alleged slow response.

The Filippino influencer said he was ‘passed around’ to different “representatives” but was not offered a clear resolution.

At one point, Mr Amorin said he was asked to wait for a day or two but ended up not receiving any calls.

Describing SIA as a “prime” airline, Mr Amorin said he expected better.

singapore airlines luggage

Source: Jasper Amorin on Facebook

In the end, SIA allegedly offered Mr Amorin 200 AUD (S$180) for the damaged luggage, which he deemed inadequate since he spent at least 60 AUD (S$54) for the Uber rides travelling to  and from SIA’s service centre.

singapore airlines luggage

Source: Jasper Amorin on Facebook

Mr Amorin said he expected between 350 AUD (S$315) and 400 AUD (S$360) in compensation, after taking into account his Uber rides, time, and stress.

Netizens say 200 AUD is fair as luggage is already worn from use

Mr Amorin’s Facebook post garnered polarising responses from netizens.

One Facebook user accused the influencer of taking advantage of the situation, stating that he had abused his own luggage by sitting on it.

Source: Jasper Amorin on Facebook

Another netizen implied that 200 AUD was a fair compensation, given that the bag was worn from frequent use

Source: Jasper Amorin on Facebook

One netizen told the influencer not to expect full reimbursement due to the bag’s depreciation.

Source: Jasper Amorin on Facebook

MS News understands that SIA had followed its internal protocols when dealing with the case.

Mr Amorin had also accepted the offer and that the issue has been deemed resolved.

Also read: S’pore Influencer On SIA Flight Gets Hand Stuck In Cup Holder, Asks For Butter To Loosen Hand

S’pore Influencer On SIA Flight Gets Hand Stuck In Cup Holder, Asks For Butter To Loosen Hand

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Featured image adapted from Jasper Amorin on Facebook and Leung Thomas tze chung on Flickr for illustration purposes only.

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