‘I was hungry’: Man in Thailand spends 9 hours at buffet, breaking restaurant record

Man in Thailand spends 9 hours at buffet eating sashimi

Earlier this week, a man from Thailand spent over 9 hours eating at a buffet restaurant and broke the restaurant record, which was also previously set by him.

The man sat down at the Khon Kaen restaurant on 24 Sept, not knowing that his very long meal would soon become a viral topic on social media.

Man takes full advantage of a no-time-limit buffet

According to Oshinei Khon Khaen, the Japanese restaurant offering the buffet, the man began his meal at 11.03am, just three minutes after they opened.

In a Facebook post on 24 Sept, the restaurant said that the man was a regular at their establishment.

Source: โอชิเน ขอนแก่น – Oshinei Khon Kaen on Facebook

The post goes on to say that the man had already spent eight hours and 16 minutes at the buffet. He only had to spend around an hour more to break the restaurant record of nine hours and 11 minutes, a record that the man set himself.

The man was well-known by the restaurant as someone who ate for a long time. On 11 Aug, he came to the restaurant with three of his friends. After his friends left, he stayed to enjoy more food, eventually leaving after six hours.

A month later on 13 Sept, he set the restaurant record which was clocked at over nine hours. This was an impressive feat, considering that the restaurant was only open 11 hours from 11am-10pm.

This was possible because the restaurant had a no-time-limit promotion on the buffet.

Restaurant gifted man ฿500 (S$20) voucher

The restaurant’s Facebook post became a talking point online, receiving over 37,000 likes and over 2,300 comments. To thank the customer for the free publicity, the restaurant gave him a voucher so the man could come back and enjoy their food even more.

On top of that, the restaurant also gave him some salmon take-out for him to enjoy at home.

Source: โอชิเน ขอนแก่น – Oshinei Khon Kaen on Facebook

In an interview with Channel 3, the man said he expressed surprise at how viral the story got. He revealed that he’s been eating at the Japanese restaurant since it opened.

Since discovering their no-time-limit promotions, he has become a fan and regularly enjoys lengthy meals at the restaurant. He even said that he didn’t mean to set some of the records; he had simply been hungry.

When asked how he managed to eat for so long, the man said he paces himself. When he felt a bit stuffed from the sushi, he’d grab some ice cream and drink to take a break.

Source: โอชิเน ขอนแก่น – Oshinei Khon Kaen on Facebook

He would even get up for a stretch, use the restroom, and scroll social media before resuming his meal.

Restaurant praised for not rushing customers

Channel 3 also asked the restaurant about its promotions. The restaurant revealed that during the no-time-limit promotions, plenty of customers would stick around for up to four hours.

Like many buffets, the restaurant offers multiple tiers, starting at ฿350 (~S$14) and ending at ฿799 (~S$32). The restaurant runs a no-time-limit promotion during the month of the chef’s birthday.

Customers have left many positive reviews for the promotion, saying they appreciate being able to enjoy the food without being rushed.

Also read: S$2.90 durian buffet in M’sia ends early after 17 tonnes of durians gobbled up

S$2.90 durian buffet in M’sia ends early after 17 tonnes of durians gobbled up

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Featured image adapted from โอชิเน ขอนแก่น – Oshinei Khon Kaen on Facebook and โอชิเน ขอนแก่น – Oshinei Khon Kaen on Facebook.

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