9 Motorcycles Get Wheels Clamped For Parking In Lots For Cars At NUH Carpark
Finding somewhere to park when there are limited lots can be very frustrating.
However, leaving your vehicles in any available space is never a good idea. Not only does it inconvenience others, but you could also get a fine or have your ride wheel-clamped.
That’s precisely what happened to at least nine motorcyclists who parked their bikes in lots designated for cars at the National University Hospital (NUH).

Source: Wikipedia
Someone shared a photo of the scene on Facebook, and many users praised the security team for taking action.
Sight of wheel-clamped motorcycles in NUH carpark delights drivers
The shot of the wheel-clamped motorcycles was posted on the ROADS.sg Facebook page on Tuesday (11 July).
It shows a row of nine bikes with instantly recognisable red-and-yellow wheel clamps on their front tyres, preventing the vehicles from moving.
In the caption, the OP stated that the picture was taken in the basement carpark of NUH on Monday (10 July) at around 5pm.
The motorcycles had their wheels clamped for taking up parking spaces that are specifically meant for cars.
This was apparently a welcome sight for drivers, who openly celebrated the enforcement of parking rules.
One netizen admitted that they were “gleeful” to see this. They claimed they usually have to park far away and walk to the hospital for their appointments as the nearby car lots would be occupied by bikes.

Source: ROADS.sg on Facebook
Another user pointed out that this is purportedly the “first time” action has been taken and that it should happen more often.

Source: ROADS.sg on Facebook
This individual highlighted that this had been a long-running problem that was finally being addressed after multiple complaints.

Source: ROADS.sg on Facebook
There were also a lot of jokes about the number of wheel clamps security has in storage.

Source: ROADS.sg on Facebook
Others point out lack of motorcycle parking spaces
On the other hand, some came to the motorcyclists’ defence, saying there aren’t enough parking spots for bikes at NUH.

Source: ROADS.sg on Facebook
A motorcyclist lamented that they also have to park their bike far away because of the lack of lots nearer to the hospital.

Source: ROADS.sg on Facebook
This user suggested reviewing carpark utilisation before allocating the appropriate number of lots for different types of vehicles.

Source: ROADS.sg on Facebook
After all, they added, motorcyclists deserve to have enough proper parking spaces too.
Incident at NUH’s Kent Ridge Wing deprived car owners of lots, says spokesperson
In response to MS News’ queries, an NUH spokesperson noted that the hospital’s carparks at Kent Ridge Wing (KRW), NUH Medical Centre and the National University Centre for Oral Health have about 900 car lots and over 60 motorcycle lots collectively.
Currently, motorcycles are not charged for parking at NUH.
Here’s the rest of their statement in full:
In the Facebook post by SG Road Vigilante dated 10 July 2023, we noted that the picture was taken at KRW carpark, which has 12 motorcycle lots.
The nine motorcycles in question had parked at parking lots specifically meant for cars, vans or lorries, hence depriving other vehicle owners of the lots and constituting illegal parking offences. Vehicles that are parked indiscriminately may endanger the safety of others and cause obstruction and inconvenience to other users.
Motorcyclists are reminded about wheel clamps via signs put up in our carparks. They may park at alternative carparks if KRW has no available motorcycle lots.
We thank members of the public for their feedback. We will be putting up additional signage at the entrance of each visitor carpark to inform motorcyclists about the location of alternative motorcycle parking lots.
Have news you must share? Get in touch with us via email at news@mustsharenews.com.
Featured image adapted from ROADS.sg on Facebook.