Grieving Mum Shows Graphic Photos Of Son’s Bed After He Passes Away, Urges People To Take Covid-19 Seriously

13-Year-Old Boy In Missouri Passes Away Due To Covid-19, Mum Shares Graphic Photos Of His Bed

Since the outbreak began in the United States in March, they have recorded a staggering total of over 19 million Covid-19 cases since.

Just yesterday, they had confirmed 193,947 new daily cases.

This is further aggravated by the fact that some citizens, including former president Donald Trump himself, have been called out for not taking the pandemic seriously enough.

For a grieving mother in Missouri who had lost her 13-year-old son to the coronavirus, she made the difficult decision to share graphic images of his blood-stained hospital bed after his death.


She did this in hopes that her fellow citizens will begin to realise Covid-19 is a real threat. One that should be dealt with seriously.

13-year-old boy caught Covid-19 in late Oct

According to The Sun, the 44-year-old mother lost her son Peyton Baumgarth 6 days after he had caught Covid-19 in October.


Some symptoms he suffered were extreme fatigue and his nail beds turning blue.

The mum had a close shave, as she tested positive for Covid-19 on 25 Oct. Back then, their symptoms were mild and they decided to quarantine themselves.

Unfortunately, his symptoms worsened on 31 Oct, and he was found to have internal bleeding in his chest. He was hospitalised right away.

Graphic photos show blood stains on hospital walls & bed

Surgeons desperately tried to help “circulate his blood” using a pump. There was so much blood in his chest that crimson liquid eventually ended up spattering the walls.


Sadly, doctors couldn’t save him. He passed away on 31 Oct, leaving his mum devastated.

Mrs Baumgarth told The Sun,

Never did I ever think this was going to happen. You don’t hear about kids getting Covid and it being that serious.

Even though it’s been almost 2 months, the mother is choosing to speak up about her son’s death now, hoping it would change the perspective of Americans.

I hope people will take Covid more seriously and not say it is a political agenda or some type of fakes news or that it is the same as the flu.

To make things worse, Mrs Baumgarth’s 57-year-old sister had also passed away 5 weeks after Peyton was admitted into the intensive care unit.

13-year-old youngest Covid-19 casualty in Missouri

Peyton’s demise first made the news on 3 Nov, as he was the youngest person to die of Covid-19 in his home state, reports CNN.

His last day of school was 22 Oct. He had been quarantined 26 Oct onwards, and eventually passed away on 31 Oct.

Daily Mail reports that Peyton had a history of asthma problems and thyroid.

You can click here to view more photos. As some of the pictures are rather graphic, viewer discretion is advised.

Rest in peace, Peyton

Even though the Covid-19 situation in Singapore is relatively under control, stories like Peyton and his mum serve as a timely reminder that we shouldn’t take things for granted.

We hope more Americans will take heed of the authorities’ advice, including Mrs Baumgarth’s plea, as it’s evident that Covid-19 is a matter of life and death.

The outbreak can only be brought under control, if everyone steps up and does their part in society. Take care, and stay safe, America.

MS News extends our deepest condolences to Peyton’s mum and family members.

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