‘How to politely tell an acquaintance you want to rest?’: S’pore Redditors share tactics on how to have peace while commuting

Redditors public transport

S’pore Redditors discuss how to politely say you want to rest on public transport

Some days, you just want to sleep during a long commute home.

In a recent discussion on the r/askSingapore subreddit, Singaporean Redditors shared their best tactics for politely avoiding unwanted conversations on public transport.

The thread, titled “How do you politely tell an acquaintance you just want to chill and rest on the bus/MRT?”, has amassed over 90 comments as Redditors shared their advice and opinions.


Redditors suggest ‘white lies’

The discussion was started by a user who recounted a frustrating experience with a former classmate who boarded the same bus and sat down beside them.

“Was tired. Took a long bus to office just so I can catch some sleep,” they wrote.

However, despite giving curt replies, the classmate continued reminiscing about their past, preventing the user from getting a moment of rest throughout the entire bus ride.

“End up he chattered on for the entire 45 mins ride and I didn’t get a wink of rest,” OP lamented, before asking netizens for advice on how to ensure that such acquaintances would “stop disturbing” them.

Many Redditors found the situation relatable and suggested strategies to discreetly exit such conversations — including telling small, harmless lies.

One said that they lied to a primary school friend about alighting at the next station, only to board the next train instead.

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Source: Reddit

Another said they would simply “get off and wait for the next bus”.

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Source: Reddit

A commenter noted that the previous strategy is more challenging on the bus. But on the train, they would use stomachache as an excuse to alight and use the toilet before taking the next train.

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Source: Reddit

“Good strategy”, a netizen replied to the advice. “That way you didn’t offend him, and still stay friends.”

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Source: Reddit

Redditors public transport

Some netizens prefer a direct approach

On the flip side, several Redditors suggested being upfront about wanting to rest.

One user encouraged others to “be brace” and simply say: “Bro, I’m tired. I’m gonna take a nap.”


Source: Reddit

Another provided a more polite alternative.


Source: Reddit

“Bro, tired la. Sit over there,” a user suggested, for a more casual approach.


Source: Reddit

Nothing wrong with wanting rest on public transport

Some netizens suggested a more subtle approach.

A commenter recommended acting tired to send a message: “Wayang a bit. Act tired, rub your eyes, cover your mouth and fake yawn.”

They added that using one’s earpods is another subtle but effective way to send the message.


Source: Reddit

Ultimately, many commenters agreed that there is nothing wrong with wanting to enjoy a peaceful journey.

“Nothing wrong with being tired, drained and really just want[ing] to enjoy the journey in peace,” one user quipped.


Source: Reddit

Also read: Some S’pore Redditors say public transport commute is ‘therapeutic’, others complain of being ‘squished like sardines’

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Featured image adapted by MS News. 

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