2 Sponsored Tours To Japan Available For S’poreans, Travel For Free & Have Photos Taken

2 Free Tours For JAPAN By Japan Members In Singapore

If you’ve been saving up for a trip to Japan with your family or partner, we have some good news.

JAPAN by Japan (JbyJ)  is looking for a family and a couple to travel in Hokkaido, Hiroshima and San’in, at absolutely no cost.

The catch is that JbyJ staff and a videographer will tag along on the trip. They may take photos and videos of you during the trip and use them in their promotional materials.

Source: JAPAN by Japan website

If you don’t mind that, and are ready to win yourself the short getaway to Japan for free, make sure to apply for the opportunity by 18 June.

Explore Japan for free on sponsored tours

On their website, JbyJ shared that they are looking for participants to collaborate with in making promotional videos for Japan.

Participants will get to plan, and go on all-expenses-paid Japan tours, as part of JbyJ’s upcoming travel series.

Source: Oku Japan

Those who are camera shy will have to break out of their shell, though, as JbyJ staff will be tagging along and filming the entire trip.

JbyJ has two specific demographics in mind — a family with up to two children above the age of 11 by end 2023, and a couple.

From 3 to 8 Sep, the selected family will get to explore Hokkaido’s cities, like Kushiro, Furano, Sapporo and Chitose.

Source: Japan Guide

Some scheduled activities in the itinerary include:

  • various outdoor activities including hiking. mountain biking and canoeing
  • harvesting and tasting fresh produce
  • exploring nature unique to Hokkaido

Meanwhile, the chosen couple will embark on a 5-night trip to Hiroshima and San’in in November.

Their romantic trip may include visits to Izumo, Iwami Ginzan, Onomichi, Fukuyama and Hiroshima.

There, they may:

  • design and make unique rings in Izumo, which is known as a sacred place for marriage
  • experience traditional Japanese performing art (‘Iwami Kagura’)
  • island-hop on a sightseeing boat

Participants will not have to pay for travel expenses on the trips, including air tickets, accommodation, transportation and meals.

They can also extend their trips on their own accounts after the filming ends.

On the website, JbyJ additionally hinted at a possible third route to Kyushu.

Source: JAPAN by Japan website

Details for this route, however, have yet to be released.

Applications for selection process open till 18 June

If you’re interested in applying, make sure you meet these conditions:

  • the travel group must consist of at least one Singapore citizen, and all members of the travel group must be residing in Singapore
  • applicants must be members of JAPAN by Japan (new registrants are also eligible)
  • representative applicant must be at least 21 years old
  • participants and their companions must agree to have their videos taken throughout the trip
  • participants and their companions must agree to photographs and videos from the trip being used for PR purposes in various media, including social media and advertisements

In line with the theme of their campaign, ‘Gift and unforgettable birthday in Japan!’, JbyJ will select participants based on an introductory video and interview.

Source: JAPAN by Japan website

Applicants have to prepare a video of up to three minutes long in English when applying for the route of their choice.

JbyJ will then invite shortlisted candidates to an interview.

To apply for the campaign, and for more information, please head to the JbyJ website.

Applications will close on 18 June 2023, so make sure to apply before then!

Have news you must share? Get in touch with us via email at news@mustsharenews.com.

Featured image adapted from @yaubinghui on Unsplash and @kenshono on Unsplash.

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