Tan Kin Lian Aims To Set Up People’s Feedback Office If Elected, Will Use His Own Salary

Tan Kin Lian Intends To Create Office For Public Feedback If Elected

Presidential hopeful Tan Kin Lian has expressed his goal of improving the lives of the people.

He intends to create a private office to collect public opinion and feedback if successfully elected.

What’s more, the office will be paid for using his presidential salary.

Mr Tan Kin Lian will then use the office to relay public opinion to the prime minister.

Tan Kin Lian will set up feedback office if elected

The former NTUC Income CEO revealed his plans while on a morning walkabout today (16 Aug) at the Tanjong Pagar Plaza Market and Food Centre.

Mr Tan Kin Lian was once again all smiles as he shook the hands of both customers and shopowners.

Source: 8world News on YouTube

8world News reported that Mr Tan intended to focus on improving the lives of the common people if he becomes president.

He plans to accomplish this by setting up a private office meant to collect public opinion and feedback.

From his conversations at Tanjong Pagar, Mr Tan indicated that traffic would be an area of priority for him.

Unclear traffic signs and the instability of the Certificate of Entitlement (COE) prices were among his concerns.

His planned feedback office will collect such issues from the public — which he’ll in turn share with the prime minister.

Those who worry about the costs of such a venture can rest easy, as Mr Tan promised to fund it using his own presidential salary.

Not satisfied with previous government responses

Speaking to the press on 16 Aug, Mr Tan spoke of past experiences that appeared to have influenced his plan to create a private office.

Over the past 15 years, Mr Tan explained, he had sent a lot of feedback to the Minister of Transport and the Land Transport Authority.

Source: 8world News on YouTube

He was disappointed to only receive the standard reply of “we will look into it”, he said.

If elected President, Mr Tan is confident he will be able to receive a meaningful response for any feedback he sends.

Wishes to speak with George Goh

Mr Tan once again affirmed his desire to speak to fellow presidential hopeful George Goh about dropping out.

He stated that he respected Mr Goh, but wished to avoid the split votes of a four-corner presidential race.

However, the latter has stated that he will not step down if they both qualify.

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Featured image adapted from 8world News on YouTube.

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