‘Very little culture’: American TikToker ranks ‘Singpore’ as worst country to visit, claims M’sia is better

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American TikToker @Zakattackcalii ranks Singapore as worst country to visit

An American TikToker based in Thailand recently ranked Singapore as the worst country to visit in a list of seven nations.

The 18-year-old, who goes by ‘Zak’ on social media, claimed there was “nothing to do” in Singapore, and that it had “very little culture”.

He urged viewers to visit Malaysia instead, claiming it’s “10 times better than Singapore”.

While some netizens agreed with Zak, others speculated that his ranking was based on affordability.

TikToker ranks 7 Asian countries he visited

On Saturday (25 May), Zak posted a TikTok video of himself ranking multiple countries he had visited.

The caption read: “I have been to seven countries in five months, here’s what I think is the best and worst!”


I have been to 7 countries in 5 months here’s what I think is the best and worst! #movingabroad #thailand #bangkok #travel #leavingamerica #กรีนสกรีน

♬ original sound – Zakattackcali

Based on his experiences in each country, Zak ranked the seven countries he explored, which are:

  • Japan
  • Thailand
  • Vietnam
  • Laos
  • South Korea
  • Singapore
  • Malaysia

He listed Thailand, the country he currently lives in, as the best country to visit.

This was followed by Laos and Vietnam. Malaysia was ranked fourth for its “walkable” and “beautiful” city with “great food”.

Japan and South Korea ranked fifth and sixth respectively, while Singapore came in at last place.

Singapore is ‘worst country’ to visit as there’s nothing to do

Claiming it was the “worst country”, Zak explains the reason for placing Singapore dead last.


Source: @zakattackcalii on TikTok

He stated there was nothing to do in Singapore besides sightseeing in the small country.

Zak also shared that he had unpleasant interactions with staff members at Marina Bay Sands.

He then compared Singapore to Disneyland, pointing out that “everything was perfect”.

Zak also said that Singapore had “very little culture”.

“I did not like it. I like to go to a country that has a lot of culture, and I try to embrace it,” Zak said.

He then recommends those contemplating visiting Singapore to go to Malaysia instead.

“It [Malaysia] is very similar, but 10 times better with culture, better food, better buildings,” he listed.

Netizens say ranking’s based on cost of living

After watching the video, many users from Singapore shared that they agreed with Zak’s rankings.


Source: TikTok

Others speculated that the rankings were based on “affordability” instead of culture.


Source: TikTok

Overall, most prompted Singaporeans not to take the ranking to heart.


Source: TikTok

Also read: ‘The most boring country’: Travel blogger lists reasons why she would never visit S’pore again

‘The most boring country’: Travel blogger lists reasons why she would never visit S’pore again

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Featured image adapted from @zakattackcalii on TikTok

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