Some Shoppers Use Free Plastic Bags For Fresh Produce To Keep Groceries Instead Of Paying 5 Cents

Shoppers Use Free Transparent Plastic Bags To Sort Groceries At Supermarkets

Since handheld plastic bags became chargeable at supermarkets, some customers have seemingly switched to transparent plastic bags to store groceries.

S’pore Supermarkets Begin Charging 5 Cents For Each Plastic Bag, Shoppers Bring Reusable Carriers

These transparent plastic bags are typically for fresh ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, and meat.

According to Lianhe Zaobao, they observed a few customers taking these transparent plastic bags. One even took several of these plastic bags.

However, the situation appears to have improved after around a week since the implementation.

More people are bringing reusable bags to supermarkets.

Some consumers take free transparent plastic bags at supermarkets

A Lianhe Zaobao reporter who visited six supermarkets on Wednesday (5 July) observed a middle-aged woman placing a small item in a free plastic bag.

Another woman appeared to stuff several free plastic bags into her bag.

Other people were also seen using these free plastic bags to store milk, biscuits, and disposable underwear.

Wang Xiuyu (name transliterated from Mandarin), 76, told Lianhe Zaobao she has always carried plastic bags with her. This time, she took two bags as spares.

She said they can be used to store small trash, such as coffee grounds and alcohol cans.

However, someone reminded her not to take too many transparent bags. Hence, she took only one or two at a time.

Wanted to separate groceries

A man surnamed Yang, 62, took five such free bags. They contained items such as frozen packaged food, bread, and fruit juice.

He told Lianhe Zaobao he took the bags to separate his items.

Although he brought a reusable bag to the supermarket, he didn’t want to mix the items up, so he placed his groceries in separate bags.

While most consumers can be observed bringing their own reusable bags, and cashiers will advise those who don’t to buy reusable bags at the supermarket.

Otherwise, they’d ensure that customers pay for any handheld plastic bags.

More people brought their own bags almost a week later

On Monday (10 July), Lianhe Zaobao went down to several supermarkets again.

This time, those who brought their own bags had increased significantly.

A cashier surnamed Liu at Sheng Siong supermarket in Serangoon North Avenue 1 said there were those who grabbed transparent plastic bags at the start.

However, almost a week later, many more people are bringing their own bags.

People need to reduce reliance on plastic bags, says environmentalist

43-year-old Aarti Giri, the founder of Plastic-Lite Singapore, told Lianhe Zaobao that consumers are likely to switch to transparent plastic bags instead.

Some people might forget their shopping bags or feel uncomfortable paying for them.

“It’s important to change people’s habits and get Singaporeans used to bringing their own shopping bags when they go out, not only when they go to the supermarket, but also when they go shopping or pack groceries, instead of what they have been used to in the past when the shops would provide plastic bags for free,” she said.

Ms Aarti also hopes the authorities can educate the public on reducing their reliance on plastic bags.

“Many families use supermarket plastic bags to pack garbage or sort objects. As an environmentalist, that isn’t a good habit.”

“People don’t do this on purpose, but they do not know how to sort and carry items without using plastic bags.”

Supermarkets currently charge at least five cents for handheld plastic bags.

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Featured image adapted from Lianhe Zaobao.

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