Husband ‘Visits’ Wife Serving SHN At Sheraton Towers, Lepaks Downstairs To See Her Every Day

Husband ‘Visits’ Wife Serving SHN At Sheraton Towers Every Day

As the fight against the pandemic continues, many families have not been able to see each other in person for long periods of time due to border restrictions.

On Monday (22 Mar), a woman currently serving Stay-Home Notice shared that her husband has been ‘visiting’ the hotel she was staying in as he was excited to see her after a year.


The adorable story touched the hearts of many netizens, garnering over a 1,000 likes.

Husband accompanies wife through SHN

When one is serving SHN, the days of isolation can be long and boring.

But one husband made sure his wife still had company throughout her SHN.

According to her post on Facebook group Singapore Hotel Quarantine Information & Experience, Ms Natalia Jerecka said those staying at Sheraton Towers might have noticed a man who lurks around the building a lot.

Image courtesy of Natalia Jarecka

She revealed that the person was her husband, who simply couldn’t wait to see her after being separated for a whole year.

husband wife shnImage courtesy of Natalia Jarecka

Sometimes, he even lepaks downstairs, quietly accompanying her from afar.

husband wife shnImage courtesy of Natalia Jarecka

Husband shares meal with wife from afar

Speaking to MS News, Natalia shared that she has been working in Japan for 8 years.

When the pandemic begin and borders shut, the couple had initially hoped to reunite in May 2020.

However, plans kept being pushed back. Soon, they realised they will not be able to see each other till March, when Natalia’s contract in Japan ended.

After a tough year, Natalia finally arrived in Singapore.

She’s currently on her 3rd day of SHN and her husband often brings food over for her.

husband wife shnImage courtesy of Natalia Jarecka

Just yesterday (22 Mar), he made her dinner and ate in front of her window to ‘share a meal’ together.

husband wife shnImage courtesy of Natalia Jarecka

Hope to reunite for Easter

Natalia hopes that she and her husband can finally reunite on Easter, when her SHN comes to an end.

But for now, it looks like the couple will have to make the best out of their current situation, as her husband tells her he would try to visit every day.

Plus, Natalia shares that he brings her fruits and other food that she likes, ensuring her fridge is always filled to the brim.

She also thinks that he is indeed “the sweetest husband”.

A reunion worth the wait

Such heartwarming stories certainly remind us that despite the restrictions of Covid-19, love will always find a way.

And if distance truly makes the heart grow fonder, Natalia and her husband’s reunion will certainly be one worth the long wait.

Do you have loved ones who served SHN? What did you do to cheer them on? Share with us in the comments down below.

Here’s another heartwarming SHN story:

2 S’poreans On SHN Order BBT For Each Other After Forging Bond Using Post-It Notes

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Featured image courtesy of Natalia Jarecka.

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