Couple Sees Baby Bat Attacked By Birds, Rescues It & Calls NParks For Help

Couple Sees Baby Bat Attacked By Birds, Rescues It & Calls NParks For Help

Singapore Couple Rescues Baby Bat, Gives It A Temporary Home

What would you do if you spotted an animal in need? Would you let nature take its course or step in and intervene?

One couple in Singapore chose the latter when they brought a baby bat home while waiting for National Parks Board (NParks) personnel to arrive.

The baby bat was on the ground after birds attacked it. Thankfully, it was unscathed and was safely handed to NParks.

The couple later posted a video on their TikTok account to share about the rescue process.


Name: Mabo, Family Name: Lor Mee, see you every New Year 🦇

♬ original sound – New to Singapore by Amandine – New to Singapore by Amandine

Couple rescues baby bat from exercise area

In the video, the OP, Amandine, shared that she and her boyfriend spotted something moving whilst on their way to Geylang Bahru Food Centre for breakfast.

rescues baby bat

Source: @new_to_singapore on TikTok

In response to MS News’ queries, Amandine shared that the animal was surrounded by birds and looked small and defenceless.

She thus felt compelled to step in and hide it from the birds.

The couple only realised it was a baby bat after they picked it up using Amandine’s sweater.

rescues baby bat

Source: @new_to_singapore on TikTok

They then immediately dialled NParks for assistance.

NParks personnel advised the couple to keep the mammal in a container while waiting for someone to pick it up.

Amandine said that this was not her first animal rescue as she used to take care of birds that fell out of their nests in France.

However, she shared that taking care of the bat was a “more exotic” experience.

Makes temporary home for baby bat

Amandine told MS News the baby bat made itself comfortable in her sweater while they carried it home.

Image courtesy of Amandine

The couple made a makeshift “house” for it using an empty food container from Ma Bo Lor Mee.

They lined the container with tissue paper to cushion the interior and punched holes in the lid before covering it to create an environment dark enough for the bat to feel safe.

Image courtesy of Amandine

They even added a satay stick to their contraption as they believed the bat would be more comfortable hanging from it rather than lying on the floor.

rescues baby bat

Source: @new_to_singapore on TikTok

They then affectionately named the bat “Mabo”, inspired by the wording on its temporary home.

NParks personnel eventually collected the bat from the couple that very morning, just before lunchtime.

Source: @new_to_singapore on TikTok

Thankfully, they determined the baby bat was healthy.

NParks personnel then told the couple they would release the bat near the exact location where it was found to see if its mother would come back for it.

Netizens concerned over potential health risks

Since such rescues are rarely fully recorded on camera, it piqued the interest of multiple TikTok users.

Some gushed over how adorable the baby bat was, especially while it was hanging off the satay stick.

Source: TikTok

Another user commended NParks for their willingness to check on the bat despite it being a small creature, especially on a weekend.

Source: TikTok

Since bats are known carriers of diseases like rabies, some TikTok users also expressed concern over the potential diseases the pup could be carrying.

However, Amandine highlighted that bat-related diseases are closely monitored in Singapore.

Since none have been reported, there was nothing to worry about.

Source: TikTok

Responding to a comment insinuating that this could result in another coronavirus outbreak, Amandine reassured the user that they handled the bat carefully.

Source: TikTok

That said, do handle wildlife with care.

If you’re unsure whether it is safe to touch, do observe the animal from a distance and call NParks’ Animal Response Centre for urgent animal-related matters.

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Featured image adapted from @new_to_singapore on TikTok and courtesy of Amandine.

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