Car explodes at petrol station in M’sia, driver escapes with minor injuries

car explodes gas station malaysia

Car suddenly explodes at petrol station in Malaysia

A car exploded at a petrol station in Repoh, Perlis in Malaysia at around 4pm on Friday (17 May).

Almost half of the car was burned, reported Oriental Daily. Part of the station’s roof was also damaged.

The driver, a man in his 40s who had been refueling the car at the time of the accident, survived with only minor injuries.

Driver injured by glass shards after explosion

The Perlis Fire and Rescue Department received a report of the fire at around 4.04pm on Friday (17 May), said Oriental Daily.

The driver sustained minor injuries to his arm after being hit by flying glass shards from his Proton Wira car.

Based on video footage of the aftermath, people at the scene immediately took action and began putting out the fire using fire extinguishers.

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Source: Tanpa Nama on Facebook

When the Perlis Fire and Rescue Department arrived, they continued extinguishing the fire with water hoses.

Meanwhile, the injured car owner was transferred to medical staff for further treatment.

Car explodes due to sparks from a mobile phone

According to Kangar District Assistant Director Yusharifuddin, the fire started from the left front passenger seat.

Preliminary investigations suggested that sparks from a mobile phone in the car may have reacted to gasoline fumes, hence causing the explosion.

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Source: Tanpa Nama on Facebook

“Firefighters also gathered samples of mobile phone chargers and cigarettes from the left front passenger seat,” said Kangar District Assistant Director Yusharifuddin to the local media.

Authorities have also dismissed foul play as the cause of the incident.

Also read: Mother & 8-month-old son in the Philippines found dead hugging each other after vehicle fire

Mother & 8-month-old son in the Philippines found dead hugging each other after vehicle fire

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Featured image adapted from Oriental Daily and Tanpa Nama on Facebook.

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