S’pore Artist Draws Adorable Corgi Comic Strip To Assure Frontline Nurses Facing Public Contempt

Singapore Artist Corgiyolk Draws Adorable Comic Strip To Thank Nurses Having A Hard Time On The MRT

Medical workers all over Singapore have been working hard to keep the novel coronavirus – now known as Covid-2019 – at bay, yet many have reported being receiving unpleasant treatment on public transport.

Despite risking their lives on the frontline of the Covid-19 battle, some nurses don’t seem to be receiving the appreciation they deserve.

In light of the unfair treatment, a Singapore comic artist created this adorable comic strip to thank nurses for their efforts.

Take a look at it below!

The comic artist who goes by the moniker Corgiyolk, shared the artwork on Facebook on Monday (10 Feb).

Read on to learn more about it.

Comic artist turned a bad situation around to thank nurses

Instead of criticising the unkind behaviour shown towards nurses, Corgiyolk put a positive spin on it.

The first two frames of the comic show what nurses go through when they take public transport in their uniforms.

The nurse – a Labrador puppy dressed in scrubs – is self-conscious of the other passengers who stare at it. Squeezing its eyes shut, the poor pup prepares itself to be slandered.


In the next two frames though, readers are in for a heartwarming surprise.

Instead of throwing insults at the nurse, the two passengers – also adorable animals – thank it for its contribution in fighting Covid-2019.

They end up sitting together for the rest of their train ride, smiling as the nurse basks in their compliments.


Rethinking how we treat others

You could argue that nurses should change out of their uniforms to take public transport, but their job can get overwhelming, and they may often be too tired to change for the commute home.

Even then, they take the necessary precautions to keep themselves clean, and do all they can to make sure they keep themselves and others infection-free.

Nurses are instrumental to a healthcare system — they deserve more respect from us, especially now that they’re putting themselves at risk of infection to care for others.

Even though times are tough, we can’t look out for just ourselves. A difficult situation like this requires social cohesion and compassion for others.

Everyone is doing their best to keep themselves and their loved ones safe, especially medical professionals like nurses. Let’s give them more support and be more sympathetic towards them.

Featured image adapted from Facebook

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