Daughter in Thailand challenges dad to sue her for money after allegedly cheating him of S$169K

Daughter challenges elderly dad to sue over alleged misappropriation of expropriation money

A father in Thailand recently discovered that his daughter had pocketed the money he received from the government for a piece of land he owned.

The 4.6 million baht (S$169,000) from the expropriation deal was intended to be split equally among his three children and himself.

Source: Benz Naja on Facebook

However, when he asked for the money, his daughter challenged him to sue her if he believed she had cheated him.

Dad sells land back to government, sees none of the money

According to Thailand’s Channel 3 News, the man, 78, is seeking help from the media and public after being cheated out of his money.

He claims he was deceived by his youngest daughter, who is 47 years old.

daughter dad sue money

Source: เรื่องเล่าเช้านี้ on Youtube

The family had an unexpected windfall when the Thai government bought their land for a high-speed rail project for 4.6 million baht.

This substantial sum would have been a great boon for the elderly man, who planned to split it equally among his three children and keep a portion for his retirement.

Unfortunately, he has not seen any of the money as his youngest daughter allegedly kept all of it.

When he asked her for his share, she told him she had used the money for investments and would only return it once she saw a profit.

Father claims he was bamboozled, daughter said he gave it up willingly

Workpoint News reported that the man asked his daughter for help handling the government land deal a few months ago due to his poor health.

Source: Benz Naja on Facebook

She had him sign multiple documents authorising her to manage the matter, which he did without thorough reading.

“I trusted her,” he said, explaining that there were so many papers he didn’t read them all carefully.

It was only months later that he found that the government had already paid for the land.

Months later, while in and out of the hospital, another family member informed him that the government had already paid the 4.6 million baht for the land in January.

The father was shocked that his daughter hadn’t mentioned it.

Whenever he brought up the issue, it led to fights. His daughter purportedly told him: “If you want the money so much, why don’t you sue me for it?”

daughter dad sue money

Source: AMARINTV : อมรินทร์ทีวี on Youtube

This prompted him to move away from her to Saraburi, a province in Thailand’s upper central region.

Daughter tells her side of the story

Sharing her side of the story in an interview with Channel 3 News, the daughter claimed that her father willingly gave her the money.

She also stated that she had financially supported her siblings over the years and that the other pieces of land given to them were mortgaged and seized, leaving her with nothing.

The father has reported the case to local authorities.

Also read: 75-year-old woman in S’pore opens bank account & receives S$259k on behalf of ‘online boyfriend’, pleads guilty to cheating

75-year-old woman in S’pore opens bank account & receives S$259k on behalf of ‘online boyfriend’, pleads guilty to cheating

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Featured image adapted from Benz Naja on Facebook.

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