Elderly Couple Pays S’porean Taxi Driver S$100 For S$9.60 Trip, Thanks Him For Playing Old Songs

Elderly Couple Pays Singaporean Taxi Driver S$100 As Sign Of Gratitude

While on a taxi ride, sharing a conversation or two with our driver is only natural.

Often, these interactions can make someone’s day, as evident in this particular encounter between a driver and his two passengers.

He shared that they were an elderly Indonesian Chinese couple. After picking them up, he played some old songs for them.

To his surprise, they then paid him S$100 for the trip.

Taxi driver plays old songs for elderly couple

Posting to Facebook, the OP shared more details about the encounter between himself and the elderly couple.

Source: Facebook

He said that after picking them up, he played the following Chinese songs in his vehicle: ‘Cut My Heart’ and ‘Kiss Goodbye’ by Jacky Cheung, ‘My Choice’ by George Lam and Sally Yeh, and ‘As Long As Your Life Is Better Than Mine’ by Kenny Bee.

They then sang along to the tunes while occasionally chatting with the driver.

At the end of the trip, which cost S$9.60, the elderly woman handed the OP a S$100 note.

Source: Facebook

Upon seeing it, he said he had no change and asked for a S$10 note instead.

However, the woman replied that the S$100 was for him, to thank him for playing the songs.

“It [brought] back our memories when we are young,” she said.

A heartwarming interaction to brighten up our day

A taxi driver’s number one focus is usually getting passengers to their destinations safely.

However, some put in extra effort to make the journey as pleasant as possible in the name of good customer service, such as pausing the meter during traffic jams.

Kudos to the OP for playing music for the elderly couple, who certainly appreciated it.

Perhaps this can be a sign for the rest of us to pay it forward during our daily interactions.

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Featured image adapted from Facebook and Dave Kim on Unsplash.

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