Facebook user hits out at man ‘sticking’ legs out on MRT, Internet furious at the overreaction

Facebook user slammed for calling out man allegedly sticking legs out on MRT

A user on the Complaint Singapore Facebook page has been slammed for their complaint about a man on an MRT.

The netizen had shared photos of a man allegedly “sticking” his legs out on the train and seemingly taking up more space than needed.

Many Facebook users have come forward to defend the man, suggesting that the complaint was uncalled for.

Facebook user calls out man on MRT

On Monday (24 June), the Facebook user shared photos of the incident on the Complaint Singapore Facebook page.

The man in the photo was spotted sitting on the MRT with his legs crossed and arms folded.

“Inconsiderate… Despite being told nicely not to stick out his legs. He still continued doing so,” the caption read.

Source: Facebook

Another image showed the man with his legs uncrossed.

Source: Facebook

The Facebook user then proceeded to categorise the man into an “ugly and weak strawberry generation”.

Netizens slam complaint

After viewing the post, many Facebook users slammed the netizen for attempting to “enforce” their own rules in an uncrowded train.

Source: Facebook

Others pointed out that the man had “naturally long” legs and did not intentionally mean to stick his legs out.

Source: Facebook

Some also said his legs were not sticking out that much, and the train wasn’t even crowded in the first place.

Overall, commenters advised the Facebook user to be more “gracious” to other passengers.

Source: Facebook

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Featured image adapted from Facebook

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