Woman in China mistook firecrackers for milk candy, they exploded in her mouth

Woman in China suffers numbness in oral cavity after firecrackers explode in her mouth

A woman surnamed Wu (transliterated from Mandarin) was celebrating Chinese New Year (CNA) at her home in Sichuan Province, China when she had a firecracker explode in her mouth.

According to the China Press, Wu’s brother had brought home snacks that resembled milk candies that she ate growing up.

Assuming it was her childhood snack, Wu popped one into her mouth.

Unexpectedly, an explosion suddenly went off in her mouth, leaving her shocked.

The mini explosion caused numbness in her oral cavity. It also left the smell of gunpowder lingering in her mouth.

Fortunately, she was still able to eat and brush her teeth.

Packaging was apparently misleading

Wu explained that she was watching television in the dark then and as such, could not see the packaging properly.

She also claimed that the firecrackers’ packaging was extremely misleading and hoped others would be more vigilant to avoid a repeat of such an incident.

Not the first case of firecrackers posing danger to people & surroundings

There have been several cases involving firecrackers posing danger to their surroundings and people.

Just last week, a boy from China threw firecrackers into a septic tank, causing an explosion that damaged several vehicles.

Last January, politicians in the Philippines called for tougher laws after a boy lost his fingers in a firecracker accident.

In Singapore, the unauthorised usage of firecrackers is deemed illegal under the Dangerous Fireworks Act.

First-time offenders found guilty of possessing or discharging dangerous fireworks face a fine of between S$2,000 and S$10,000, a jail term of up to two years, or both.

Also read: Boy in China throws firecrackers into septic tank, causes explosion that flips car over

Boy in China throws firecrackers into septic tank, causes explosion that flips car over

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Featured image adapted from Oriental Daily. 

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