Internet messaging service ICQ shuts down after 28 years

ICQ shuts down

ICQ shuts down after 28 years

The trailblazing internet messaging service ICQ shut down on Wednesday (26 June), according to its website.

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Source: ICQ

ICQ – which stood for “I seek you” – was launched in 1996 and once boasted 100 million users.

It was among the few websites in the 1990s that allowed users to text in real-time.

Though its user base dwindled throughout the years, the platform continued to operate until mid-2024, outlasting its competitors including AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) and MSN Messenger.

Changed ownership twice

According to TechSpot, ICQ was founded in 1996 by the Israeli company Mirabilis.

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Source: TechSpot

Due to its potential, it was bought by AOL. The US company claimed the site grew to over 100 million users in the 2000s, according to a CNA report.

Finally, in 2010, AOL sold the platform to the Russian company VKontakte (VK), which maintained ownership until it shut down on 26 June 2024.

In operation until 2024

While its user base had dwindled, ICQ remained in operation until mid-2024.

Over the years, it transitioned from its original website platform to desktop and mobile applications. It functioned like most modern messaging apps such as WhatsApp or Telegram, wrote The Verge.

In 2018, the Russian government announced the ban on Telegram and shifted its communications to ICQ.

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Source: Internet Archive via The Verge

According to VK, the platform had 11 million monthly users in 2022, reported TechSpot. It also saw an increased number of downloads in 2021 after users in Hong Kong ditched WhatsApp after a privacy policy update.

Users of ICQ have been notified to sign up for other messaging services under VK.

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Featured image adapted from ICQ, TechSpot

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