M’sians With Work Permits Can Work In S’pore During Lockdown, If Health Screening & Housing Are Provided

Malaysians With Work Permits Are Allowed To Continue Working Here, Singapore To Provide Housing

When Malaysia enforced a lockdown, it was decided that even those who travel daily into Singapore to work would not be able to do so, affecting thousands of workers who lacked accommodation.

However, this decision has now been overturned. Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) announced on Friday (20 Mar) that Malaysians with Singapore work permits can continue to work in the Republic during the lockdown period, which lasts till 31 Mar.

Malaysians with work permits can now enter Singapore

Singapore government to provide housing and medical examinations

However, this is provided these Malaysians would have appropriate medical screening and accommodation, the MFA statement said.

The agreement was made during a phone call on Thursday (19 Mar) between Singapore’s Senior Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security Teo Chee Hean and Malaysian Senior Minister and Minister for Defence Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

Both parties had discussed ways to safeguard the health of their citizens, while minimising disruptions to them, as well as our companies.

Mr Ismail Sabri was also quoted by Channel NewsAsia (CNA) as saying at a press conference in Putrajaya on Friday (20 Mar):

There was a discussion with Singapore leaders yesterday, and we have decided that all Malaysians in Singapore will continue with their work, and the Singapore government has agreed to grant them housing for two weeks.

He added that after the 2 weeks, Singapore will carry out the relevant health screenings required.

Image courtesy of AFP

Transport of food across land checkpoints assured

The MFA statement also revealed that Mr Ismail Sabri assured Mr Teo that his country would facilitate the transport of food across the land checkpoints between the 2 countries.

Both sides would also make sure of the bilateral transport of commercial goods across land checkpoints.

Both senior ministers also agreed to establish 3 working groups under the Special Working Committee on Covid-19, which is co-chaired by both of them.

The working groups will co-ordinate:

  1. The movement of people
  2. The movement of goods
  3. Daily operational issues at our land checkpoints


Good news for Malaysians working here

While this overdue announcement came after much fuss and inconvenience, it’s still better late than never.

Malaysians who ended up stuck in their country due to the lockdown may now leave to work in Singapore if they have a work permit — however, it’s subject to whether they can find accommodation here.

More details are expected to follow, so stay tuned for more updates.

Featured image adapted from the South China Morning Post.

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