Woman cries in fear as monkey tries to rob her of food on China mountain trail

Woman cries in fear as monkey tries to rob her of food on mountain trail in China

Recently, a woman hiking Mount Emei in Sichuan, China with friends was robbed by a monkey halfway through the trail.

Terrified, she sat on the steps crying while the monkey rummaged through the backpack she carried for food.

monkey rob woman china (2)

Source: Douyin

People around the woman assured her that the monkey would not harm her, containing their laughter at the same time.

Monkey bares its teeth at passerby

“You are so annoying. You are so ugly, go away. You are too much,” the woman sobbed.

However, the monkey paid her no attention and relentlessly went through her backpack in search of food.

According to an Oriental Daily report, a male passerby wanted to help the woman but the monkey bared its teeth threateningly, leaving the woman helpless.

monkey rob woman china (1)

Source: Douyin

Monkey did not find any food in woman’s backpack

The video originally posted on Weibo has since gone viral and was reposted on several platforms, drawing plenty of reactions.

Some netizens joked that the monkey should be the one crying.

“After all that searching, it only found cosmetics and no food,” they quipped.

Others noted that the woman was holding a long stick she could’ve used to scare the monkey away.

Netizens also reminded hikers not to take things out of their backpacks on the trail, as monkeys often mistake them for food and will steal from them.

Also read: NP student gets his phone stolen by monkey in Ngee Ann Polytechnic campus

NP student gets his phone stolen by monkey in Ngee Ann Polytechnic campus

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Featured image adapted from Douyin

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