Indonesian Woman Told To Cook & Clean Dishes By Boyfriend’s Mother, She Breaks Up With Him

Indonesian Woman Breaks Up With Boyfriend After His Mother Tell Her To Cook & Clean Dishes

The first meeting with your partner’s parents at their home can be pretty daunting, especially since it’s necessary to leave a good impression.

This implicit rule goes both ways, however, as one Indonesian woman has pointed out.


#stitch dengan @Nahda Azahra ampun tante. Terimakasiii 🙏🏻

♬ suara asli – Bella Deasy – Bella Deasy

She shared that during her first meeting with her boyfriend’s parents, his mother told her to not only help with the cooking but also clean the dishes after dinner.

Sensing this was how she’d be treated in future if she married him, the woman broke up with her boyfriend.

Boyfriend’s mother tell Indonesian woman to clean dishes

The woman, reportedly from Indonesia, posted about her experience to TikTok on 25 Nov.

Source: TikTok

According to a translation by Sin Chew Daily, her ex-boyfriend’s parents had invited the couple for dinner. During the visit, his mother asked for her help with the cooking.

After dinner was over, the situation escalated when the older woman then asked her to wash all of the dishes.

This shocked the OP, who noted that she could only imagine how she would be treated as a daughter-in-law if she got married to her ex-boyfriend.

She thus broke up with her boyfriend, a decision she did not take lightly.

The OP also added that she chose to share her experience to refute online claims that women should help with the dishes when over at their boyfriend’s childhood home to gain favour with their in-laws.

Sparks controversy among netizens

The TikTok has since become viral on the platform with over 10,700 comments.

Many agreed with the OP, praising her for keeping her composure and taking the step towards ending the relationship.

Source: TikTok

Some users also declared that his parents’ behaviour was a “red flag”.

Source: TikTok

One user noted that such actions by future in-laws often reflected poorly on the character of a potential partner as well.

Source: TikTok

However, other netizens levelled criticisms at the OP for her decision.

Source: TikTok

A few of them argued that she was being lazy by not complying with their demands.

Values are changing over time

As times rapidly change, so too do the values that we hold dear to our hearts.

While it may have been customary for a daughter-in-law to help cook and clean, this mentality is being rejected by many of the young, who are more career-driven and think chores shouldn’t only be the domain of the daughter-in-law.

The OP’s TikTok is yet another reminder of the generational divide that often exists between older folks and younger ones. Perhaps with enough discussion and effort, this gap will be bridged once again.

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Featured image adapted from TikTok.

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