Real-life Stuart Little: couple in Canada teaches pet rats how to drive tiny cars

Couple in Canada gives rescue rats driving lessons

In a heart-warming tale from Canada, a couple has gone viral for their delightful project: teaching their rescue rats how to drive miniature cars.

rats driving

Source: @emperorsofmischief on Instagram

The inspiration for this whimsical endeavour came from a study on enriching the lives of pet rats.

Handmade with love by the wife’s father, these tiny cars were a special birthday gift for her, designed to bring joy and mental stimulation to their furry friends.

Took just a day for rats to understand how cars worked

Although the couple never expected the rats to master driving, the little rescues quickly proved them wrong.

Within just one day, the rats understood how the accelerator pedal worked, and in a week, they were navigating turns with surprising finesse.

It helped that the cars, each equipped with pedals for left turns, right turns, and forward motion, were crafted specifically for their drivers.

Source: @emperorsofmischief on Instagram

To teach the rats how to drive, the couple offered treats to encourage them to use the cars to reach them.

One rat quickly grasped the concept. The other, fuelled by sheer determination and the promise of treats, took a bit longer but eventually mastered the art of driving as well.

rats driving

Source: @emperorsofmischief on Instagram

Recent videos on Instagram showcase the rats’ remarkable skills.

Not only can they manoeuvre in various directions, but they can even free themselves if facing the wrong way.

Valuing mental enrichment for their pets

The couple posts regular updates on their Instagram showing their rats in action.

Understanding the importance of mental enrichment for pets, they engaged in various activities to keep their rescues active and entertained.

Besides teaching them to drive, they also created obstacle courses and provided puzzle boxes originally designed for dogs.

Of course, when the rats aren’t exercising their minds, the couple ensures they are emotionally content with plenty of cuddles and affection.

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Featured image adapted from @emperorsofmischief on Instagram

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