Heart-Wrenching Drama Unfolds At Reunion Dinner As Homosexual Man Finds True Acceptance And Love

“What is this about my only grandson not attending the reunion tonight?”

A viral Facebook post has been making its way around the online sphere, spreading tears and a very heartwarming story. GLBT Voices Singapore shared a story of a young man who was kicked out of home by his parents after coming out about his homosexuality.

He found shelter at a friend’s place, lived “somewhat depressed and withdrawn” and did not hear from his family even as Lunar New Year was approaching. His depressing condition is a biting reality that homosexuals fear over coming out to their families.

So when his grandfather Ye Ye — a former stern army colonel — called him up, the last thing he expected was to be showed pure love from family. Read the post to find out why we bawled our eyes out so hard.

Bless you Ye Ye for showing that family is more important than pride, lineage or what other people might say.

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