Woman in Thailand teaches cat to slide open door, but it kept pushing instead

Cat in Thailand keeps pushing sliding door despite owner’s demonstration

A woman in Thailand tried teaching her cat to slide open a door, but despite her best efforts, her adorable kitty continued pawing at the door.


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♬ เสียงต้นฉบับ – nat beauty – nat beauty

The woman’s friends could only laugh as they chimed in, telling the cat to read the sign which said “slide.”

A woman teaches her cat to slide open a door, it insists on pushing instead

On Thursday (6 June), TikTok user @nat_beauty posted an adorable clip of a cat attempting to open the sliding door separating it and its owner.

Source: @nat_beauty on TikTok

The fluffy white ball of fur gives its best pleading look to its owner as it continuously paws at the door.

Source: @nat_beauty on TikTok

On the other side, the owner does her best to demonstrate how to open the door.

cat door

Source: @nat_beauty on TikTok

Presumably interpreting this as her about to open the door, the cat stood on its hind legs to try to reach her owner’s hand.

Her friends laugh at the teaching attempts

The owner’s friends can only laugh at the interaction.

One of them chimes in: “Can you read the sign? It says to slide, not push.”

The owner then tells her cat to stop and listen to her instructions. Amusingly, her cat does so and begins to investigate the door by sniffing the little gap.

Source: @nat_beauty on TikTok

“Raise only one paw”, the owner said to the cat. She even gave the cat encouraging words when it did exactly that.

“Now slide it to the side,” she said to the cat while demonstrating with her gestures.

Despite the owner’s best efforts, the cat stares at her in what can only be described as absolute befuddlement.

As the video ends, the cat gives a sad and pleading meow before pawing at the door again.

Also read: Carpenter in the Philippines makes tiny adorable houses for stray cats

Carpenter in the Philippines makes tiny adorable houses for stray cats

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Featured image adapted from @nat_beauty on TikTok

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