Teen in the US punches shark that bit her, gets 4 tendons in her hand severed

teen punches shark texas

19-year-old girl in the US punches shark that bit her

While on vacation with her family in Texas last month, a 19-year-old girl bravely punched a shark that bit her hand.

The shark attack left Damiana Humphrey with four severed tendons in her left hand.

Despite undergoing surgery, Ms Humphrey is still unable to move or feel her left arm, wrist, hand, and fingers a month after the incident.

Punched shark out of instinct

Ms Humphrey was wading in waist-deep water with her siblings when a 4- to 5-foot shark bit her hand, reported ABC News.

To free herself, the 19-year-old began punching the shark.

“It was just instinct,” she told The Daily News. “It happened and that was my first reaction when I saw it… I didn’t have time to process it until I made it back to shore.”

She was immediately taken to hospital where she underwent surgery.

“I severed four tendons. And then I basically had a big hole on the top of my hand that they had to sew together,” she told ABC News.

Unable to move left hand even after a month

Even though it has been a month since the incident, Ms Humphrey still has limited mobility in her left arm and cannot move her fingers, reported The Daily News.

However, doctors have assured her that she will regain her mobility through physical therapy.

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Suspected tiger attack in Indonesia leaves 1 dead, hunt for big cat ongoing

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Featured image adapted from Fox 26 Houston

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