Short-duration thundery showers expected in 1st half of Sept, with some warm & humid nights

Thundery showers expected in the late morning & afternoon in 1st half of Sept

The recent wet but warm weather is expected to continue in the first half of September, according to the Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS).

Thundery showers, which will be localised over parts of the island and of short duration, are expected in the late morning and afternoon on several days.

Source: Jon Siegel on Flickr

Thundery showers on some mornings in the second week of Sept

According to a weather advisory released by the MSS on Monday (2 Sept), widespread thundery showers may also take place on one or two mornings.

These are set to be in the latter half of the fortnight, i.e. the second week of September.

They will be brought about by Sumatra squalls and will come with gusty winds, MSS said.

Source: Jon Siegel on Flickr

Total rainfall to be below average

Despite the thundery showers, total rainfall for the period should be slightly below average to near average over most parts of Singapore.

The weather conditions are attributed to the Southwest Monsoon, which is prevailing over Singapore and the surrounding region.

It brings winds that blow mainly from the southeast or southwest, MSS said.

Maximum temperature between 33°C and 34°C on most days

Amid the wet weather, the daily maximum temperatures on most days are likely to be between 33°C and 34°C.

On a few days, however, it could slightly exceed 34°C.

A few nights, in particular, might be warm and humid, MSS said.

Source: Hak Liang on Flickr

That means the temperatures may remain above 28°C.

Below-average rainfall for second half of August

Over the past two weeks, short-duration thundery showers fell over parts of Singapore on most days, though below-average rainfall was still recorded for most parts, MSS said.

Kranji Reservoir had 110% above-average rainfall over the fortnight, while Tai Seng was the driest location, recording 90% below-average rainfall.

The highest rainfall registered during the period was in Kranji on 23 Aug, when a daily total rainfall of 72.4 mm was recorded.

On that day, a localised convergence of winds brought heavy thundery showers over the northwestern part of Singapore in the early afternoon.

Daily maximum temperatures ranged between 32°C and 34°C on most days.

Admiralty and Pulau Ubin separately recorded the joint highest daily maximum temperature of the fortnight.

The mercury soared to 34.6°C on 19 Aug at Admiralty, and Pulau Ubin recorded the same temperature on 31 Aug.

Also read: Thundery showers expected in 2nd half of August, but a few nights will be warm & humid

Thundery showers expected in 2nd half of August, but a few nights will be warm & humid

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Featured image adapted from Jon Siegel on Flickr.

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