Giant Spider Spotted Outside S’pore Residence, Netizens Joke It’s Spider-Man: Run From Home

Giant Spider Leaves Singapore Resident Reeling

A common fear among people is facing off with creepy crawlies such as spiders. And the bigger they are, the scarier it often is.

Imagine the horror one Singapore resident experienced when she saw a giant spider just chilling outside her home.

Looking like it came straight out of a horror flick, we’re sure the mere sight of it would have sent many of us screaming.

After sharing the sighting in the Singapore Wildlife Sightings Facebook group, the resident received comforting messages from members who assured her that the spider is relatively harmless.

If anything, they would want one themselves as the breed apparently keeps pests at bay.

Giant spider has long & terrifying legs

The 8-legged discovery happened on Friday (7 Jan) morning when Facebook user Ms Lee stepped out of her house.

Chilling in the corner of the corridor was this humongous Huntsman Spider.


Its long legs didn’t help the creature look less intimidating as it perched precariously near the doorframe.

Netizens identify creature as a Huntsman Spider

Fearing the unknown, Ms Lee took to Facebook to seek information regarding the spider.

Members of the Singapore Wildlife Sightings group came to her rescue and revealed that the creepy-crawly she encountered was most likely a Huntsman Spider.


Contrary to stereotypes, some members explained that this spider is relatively harmless and instead acts as a natural pest exterminator.

A netizen even said that she wouldn’t mind having one in her own home.


One netizen joked and labelled the creature’s appearance as “Spider-Man: Stay At Home”, perhaps suggesting that Ms Lee should not leave her house while the spider is still there.


If anything though, since Ms Lee had already stepped outside, maybe the next line of action would have been to run from home.

Relatively harmless spider controls pest population

According to “What’s That Bug?”, Huntsman Spiders are not considered dangerous to humans.

As they are nocturnal hunters, these spiders don’t spin webs and instead prey on other pests like cockroaches and common household ‘visitors’.

For this reason, Huntsman Spiders are generally tolerated by humans.

Don’t judge a book by its cover

Even though it looks incredibly scary, this Huntsman Spider’s looks don’t do it any justice.

File this encounter under “things you shouldn’t judge based on their appearances”.

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Featured image adapted from Facebook and Wikipedia.

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