‘Closest Time To Midnight’ MCQ Baffles Twitter, Users Argue That Time Only Moves Forward

‘Closest Time To Midnight’ MCQ Gets Twitter Users Debating Proximity Versus Chronology

Twitter has always been a platform where users express their differing views on issues.

But it’s not often that a seemingly straightforward multiple-choice question (MCQ) divides opinions on the platform.

Recently, a children’s Math question asking for the “closest time to midnight” got Twitter users debating over which was the correct answer.

Source: Twitter

While 12.03am appeared to be the straightforward answer, others have argued that time only moves forward. Since the question asks for the closest time to midnight, that answer may not be right, as 12.03amĀ is actually 23 hours and 57 minutes away from the next midnight.

‘Closest time to midnight’ MCQ causes headache for Twitter OP

On 22 June, Twitter user @yawdmontweet posted a Math question that “hurt mi [his] head”.

The question was short and seemingly to the pointļ¼š

What is the closest time to midnight?

Users were presented with four options for answers:

  • A. 11.55am
  • B. 12.06am
  • C. 11.50am
  • D. 12.03am

Twitter users say time does not go backwards

Since 12.03am is just three minutes after midnight, most people would likely pick that as their answer.

However, serious discussions have since spawned over how the question should be viewed.

Some argued that time is only forward-looking, and hence it would be inaccurate to count ‘backwards’.

Source: Twitter

Using this logic, options B and D would be 23 hours 54 minutes and 23 hours 57 minutes away from the next midnight respectively.

The correct answer would hence be ‘A’, which is 12 hours and 5 minutes away from the next midnight.

Others argued that the question was merely asking for proximity by virtue of the word “closest”, so time being a one- or two-way construct is irrelevant.

Source: Twitter

One user went as far as to consult ChatGPT. The bot chose option D, if you were wondering.

Source: Twitter

Which answer do you think is correct and how would you justify it? Let us know in the comments.

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Featured image adapted from Twitter.Ā 

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