Elderly woman casually rolls through busy Sengkang road in wheelchair, unbothered by speeding cars

Elderly woman casually rolls through busy Sengkang road in wheelchair, unbothered by speeding cars

Woman in wheelchair rolls through Sengkang traffic, seemingly unfazed by speeding cars

An elderly woman in Singapore sparked concern online after she was filmed calmly crossing a busy junction in a wheelchair, seemingly with complete disregard for traffic rules or her own safety.

The video, shared on the SG Road Vigilante Facebook page, shows her rolling through the road as cars speed by, completely unfazed by the chaos around her.

Even with no pedestrian light in her favour, she continued at her own pace.

wheelchair sengkang

Source: SG Road Vigilante on Facebook

At one point, she veered out of the pedestrian crossing and found herself smack in the middle of the yellow box junction.

wheelchair sengkang

Source: SG Road Vigilante on Facebook

The video then cuts to what appears to be a different day, with her in a different outfit but at the same junction.

wheelchair sengkang

Source: SG Road Vigilante on Facebook

Unbothered by the constant flow of traffic, she continued her crossing despite the green light favouring the vehicles.

The person who shared the video claimed that this daring routine is a daily occurrence and urged someone to notify her family before her bold crossings lead to tragedy.

Netizens express concerns for her safety

Heated debates erupted in the comments, with netizens passionately discussing what should or shouldn’t be done in this situation.

One user chastised everyone around the woman for failing to intervene. They claimed that even while driving, they would stop to assist her.

Source: Facebook

“Even if she is doing such things on a daily basis, has anyone ever [stopped] her and [explained] to her about her safety[?]” they wrote. “I truly am [disappointed] seeing this video.”

While some agreed, others argued that attempts to help would likely be futile, as she is reportedly very stubborn.

A resident of the area stated that the woman wouldn’t just refuse help — she would “purposely go slower or take a longer route”, making it “very hard for everyone”.

Source: Facebook

“You don’t believe me? Go there personally and try to help. Experience [it first-hand]. Talk is cheap,” they challenged.

Another netizen backed this up, saying that while motorcyclists have tried to warn her, their advice always seems to fall on deaf ears.

wheelchair sengkang

Source: Facebook

Even the police’s interventions have proven ineffective, as things revert to normal just days after they advise her to stop her reckless crossings.

Also read: Woman ignores red light in Ang Mo Kio while pushing elderly in wheelchair, nearly hit by car

Woman ignores red light in Ang Mo Kio while pushing elderly in wheelchair, nearly hit by car

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Featured image adapted from SG Road Vigilante on Facebook. 

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